4 Tricks To Teach The Cat To Play Together

4 tricks to teach the cat to play together

Many believe that cats are not pets that can be taught anything. This theory was perhaps based on the habit of training dogs and their well-known ability to learn. However, even a cat can learn commands and tricks that will make living together more peaceful and certainly more fun. Do you want to know some simple tricks to teach your cat to play with him?

If we have managed to arouse some curiosity in you, you must remember that if you decide to teach your four-legged friend some tricks, the first thing you need is  patience. And of course, every cat is different. Be constant, patient, decisive: also because learning is different if it is a young or adult cat. Ready to get started?

The tricks to teach the cat

Can you imagine your little feline holding out its paw when you ask? Well, you can teach him this trick and many more. Let’s see 4 fun games that you can play together, another excuse to share your time, do you agree?

1. Giving the paw

cat giving paw to master

You can start with a trick that all dog and cat owners love and would like to teach their pet. Asking for your cat’s paw (and for him to give it to you) is one of the greatest satisfactions you can experience. This is a typical game for dogs, but what happens in cats? Will you really be able to get your paw given? Of course! You just have to follow these steps :

  1. Choose an appropriate place and time. Avoid the presence of distractions or noises that can distract the animal or make it nervous.
  2. Decide which command to use or buy a clicker (we’ll talk about this device below). The word to use to refer to the order can be: “hello”, “say goodbye”, “here the paw”.
  3. Think of a  snack or toy to  reward the cat’s effort. Positive reinforcement is the best option for teaching a pet any tricks. Having a treat to offer when your cat behaves well and obeys your voice will be an ideal incentive to advance in training.
  4. Take one of your cat’s front legs. As you do this, use and repeat the password  you chose as a command or press the clicker  (step 2), so that the animal can connect the concept with the action.
  5. Show him the prize. If while you say the magic word and take the little leg, at the same time you show him the prize, the cat will be able to understand the message you want to convey (“if I listen to X and do Y I get Z”).

Perform these steps for several days and, little by little, alternate the makeup without a prize and with the prize. Eventually, your cat will perform this rewarding trick pretty much anytime you want.

2. Get as close as you call it

  • Choose a prize as a reward.
  • As you show him the surprise, call him what you always do. Only this time will he pay attention to you.
  • Always use the same order to call him. But obviously without immediately offering him the reward. Let him smell and congratulate him on coming. Only then can you give him his well-deserved reward.
  • Don’t make him wait too long. Animals get tired and bored quickly: they do not possess a high power of concentration. Therefore, do small sessions with longer and longer breaks and little by little your  cat will approach each time you call him.

    3. Search and find

    cat catching toy with orange feathers

    As a third trick, we now show you what to do to teach your cat to  chase and catch a toy. It is a very fun exercise, which will allow your four-legged friend to train reflexes and burn a lot of energy:

    1. Choose a toy suitable for this type of game. Let the cat smell it, so that it recognizes it.
    2. Throw the object as far as possible. Few cats will resist chasing something that flies through the air.
    3. He may not find it or take it the first time. Repeat the operation and then take it off gently.
    4. Go back in front of your friend, showing the animal that you have the toy.
    5. Repeat the operation several times: the cat will learn to understand what you are looking for and in subsequent repetitions will not hesitate to search and find the object.

    You have to keep in mind that, for the simple fact that you are throwing the object, the cat is automatically led to retrieve the toy and bring it to you. It is in its nature to hunt small birds or reptiles and bring them to the owner as a kind of  homage.

    4. Use a clicker

    A few lines higher, we have already mentioned this innovative object. The clicker is a small object, created to be able to emit a particular  “click-clack” sound. It serves as an aid to positive reinforcement. The animal associates a different behavior with the noise you produce using the  cliker,  helping you to obtain a certain result.

    If you add rewards to the clicker, the result will be optimal. Use it only for training, if you use it directly as a game, the risk is to confuse the animal. You will no longer be able to use it as a lever for teaching.

    Now that you have discovered that  even cats can learn tricks and games like dogs, you can have fun and spend happy afternoons together. Follow these tips and  let us know if you have succeeded! And if you know other tricks, do not hesitate to  share them by commenting on this post.

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