8 Mistakes To Avoid When Taking Your Dog To The Park

8 mistakes to avoid when taking your dog to the park

The park is one of your dog’s favorite spots, we’re sure. It also represents the possibility, for the owners, to relax a little while being outdoors. We are talking above all about those spaces specially designed for dogs, fenced and safe. Here you can sit in complete relaxation, reading or chatting, while your four-legged friend plays with the other dogs.

However, many people make a number of mistakes, both serious and less serious, that are worth talking about. When taking the dog to the park, there is always the risk of committing small infractions, towards the community or other people. So here is a small guide to avoid all this and learn how to better manage your dog, outside the home.

Taking the dog to the park: the most common mistakes

8 mistakes to avoid when taking your dog to the park

Do not collect the excrement

It seems a trivial and obvious speech, since it is one of the first obligations of anyone who owns a dog. Yet it is one of the most common mistakes. Think for a moment: what if no one picks up their dog’s excrement? It would be impossible to have a green, clean area where your pet can play and run.

With this effortless little gesture, you are helping to keep the park clean. And you will also prevent your pet or others from contracting diseases.

Don’t educate the dog

Your four-legged friend does not need to learn to do somersaults or flips in the air. Rather, we refer to the owner’s ability to have immediate control over the dog’s actions. Commands such as “stop”, “sit”, “drop” and “come here” must be clear to your pet.

In the event that the dog gets too close to a possible danger, or is found to annoy other people, you must be able to use these commands in order to avoid problems.

Leave it free as soon as you arrive

It is never a good idea to let your dog loose as soon as you arrive at the park. Your friend has most likely been in the house for hours. That is, he has accumulated a lot of stress and in front of the green lawn and the other dogs he is led to suddenly release all his desire to play, run and jump.

A state of unhealthy arousal that can pass on to other animals. It is advisable that, while still keeping him tied up with the leash, you let him do some exercises first. Walk with him, have him do little games or exercises. Once calmed, you can free him without worry.

Do not drive away dogs that are annoying

Nobody likes to be around people who are rude, violent or annoying. The same is true for dogs. People behave differently than their pet. This is also reflected in the way the dog is educated, for better or for worse.

As soon as you notice the presence of a particularly excited animal, which exaggerates with paws and bites, you must intervene to avoid more serious problems. Move him away and call his master’s attention.

Let the dog play without releasing it

Another mistake that is often made is to keep the dog tied up while playing. There are two consequences to be aware of if you do this wrong. Firstly, in the event of a sudden and sudden movement, your pet could be injured on the leash, neck, muzzle or even paws.

Second, by keeping your friend tied up, you convey a feeling of insecurity. Some owners are afraid of letting it go alone but, by doing so, they communicate to the animal a discomfort. He will feel vulnerable to another who is free and will react disproportionately if teased.

Go to the park with your dog in heat

Unfortunately, this delicate phase precludes the possibility of going out for a walk in the park. The natural call to other specimens would create many problems for dogs and owners. It is therefore better to avoid.

Let small dogs play with large ones

8 mistakes to avoid when taking your dog to the park

Small dogs are often seen as prey  by larger ones. Having them play together is not recommended. Also because, unintentionally, for a simple reason of weight and size, your little friend could be injured.

Make sure, therefore, that the larger specimens are docile and obedient. Talk to your respective owners first for reassurance.

Getting distracted by your cell phone

Unfortunately, our lives are marked by a certain dependence on technological apparatuses. If you’re taking your dog to the park,  a moment of distraction could be crucial. Going out into the open air with your four-legged friend must be a moment of relaxation and tranquility. Forget text messages and chat.

A dog is like a child and cannot handle itself. His  education depends on constant correction by the master. Always keep him under control, being ready to intervene in case of  escape, collision or if he gets injured.

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