Scorpion Sting? Here’s What You Need To Do

Don’t panic. Follow these 6 steps that will allow you to deal with the possible scorpion sting correctly.
Scorpion sting?  Here's what needs to be done

Scorpion sting ? It is not a problem that concerns us! It is wrong to think that scorpions are only found in deserts. In fact, they are present in almost all Italian regions and very common in rural and not very urbanized areas.

Even if, in our country, the venom that these arachnids can inoculate is not comparable to those of other, more exotic species, it is necessary to know what to do in case of a scorpion sting. Let’s take a closer look at the topic in this article.

What to do in case of a scorpion sting?

Scorpions usually hide under rocks, in dark places and even underground. So, when you work in the garden, among plants, flowers or have piled up wood or a closet, you could run the risk of experiencing this bad experience.

Don’t panic, however. Follow these  6 steps that will allow you to deal with the possible scorpion sting correctly:

1. Call the Poison Control Center

In the event of a scorpion sting, the first thing to do is to immediately call the Poison Control Center in your region ( you will find here the complete list of structures recognized by the Ministry of Health ) which will provide you with immediate assistance, giving you the very first indications on how to behave. as appropriate. Alternatively, you can always call the general emergency number 112.

If you are alone in the house, at the time of the accident, communicate your exact address to the center and you will be notified of the closest structure (in the case of a less serious situation) or, on the contrary, they will immediately activate the prompt. intervention, which involves sending an ambulance.

2. Take a picture of the scorpion that stung you

Obviously the last thing on your mind is to take a selfie with the insect that has stung you. But it is an  essential test that will allow doctors and specialists to identify the animal and, therefore, the type and degree of danger of the poison.

This step is essential to be able to identify the suitable antidote and activate the necessary treatment that you need.

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Not all scorpions are the same, on the contrary they have different poisons that trigger different symptoms, so a photo will be essential to be able to act quickly. Remember that some species are even deadly, even if not in Italy. Here, the species are very small and never attack humans.

3. Pay attention to the symptoms

Even if you have been able to get to the emergency room to get medical attention, it is vital that you keep an eye out for symptoms that appear after the scorpion sting. These could get worse or even change. This will help doctors interpret the type of problem, considering that these types of accidents may be common in the area you are in.

4. Wash the sting

After the accident, it is good to wash the sting with water and mild soap several times, let’s say whenever you have the chance. This will prevent the wound from becoming further infected. Do not suck the wound to extract the poison: only follow the instructions of the doctors of the Poison Center to the letter, so as not to make things worse.

Girl washes right hand in the sink

This step is essential to prepare your body for the treatment that the doctors will then offer you. Avoid improvising, leave aside advice and suggestions from friends or relatives, just follow the instructions of the Poison Control Center you contacted.

5. Keep the affected area below heart level

This will be a way to prevent the poison from circulating too fast in the veins and starting to run through the entire body. Try to stay still as much as possible and with the area relaxed, keeping your hand or foot below the heart as much as possible.

You can also apply ice which, in addition to deflating the area, will have a coagulating effect and delay the spread of the poison. The goal is to prevent it from affecting other areas of the body as well.

6. Don’t be afraid

Especially if you find yourself alone, anxiety and nervousness won’t help you think or act quickly, so it’s best to stay calm as much as possible. Keep in mind that in Italy there are no lethal scorpions, so rest assured.

Symptoms may even be mild, so any problems can be effectively resolved by taking an appropriate medication.

As we have already said, a scorpion is unlikely to sting you. But it is always good to be informed and know what to do (and  not ) to be able to easily overcome this accident. If you live or work in rural areas, save the telephone number of the nearest Poison Control Center on your mobile phone and keep in mind the tips described so far.

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