How To Teach Your Dog To Stop

How to teach your dog to stop

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t love naughty dog ​​puppies? The truth is that they are adorable and their pranks amuse us, but as long as they are small. When they reach a certain age this excess of energy can turn into stress or the urge to destroy objects. So be careful that your puppy does not become a disobedient adult dog.

Getting the dog to stop at our command is not just a convenience , it can even save his life. Let’s talk about those moments when his instinct leads him to run who knows where, with the risk of being hit by a car or being attacked by a dangerous animal (for example a poisonous snake or a dog bigger than him).

But how do you teach a dog to stop ? In reality it is not that difficult, it just requires perseverance and firmness. To get the dog to stop and wait for us when we ask, you must follow the following steps:

Step 1: Give him this order frequently.


In this phase your best ally is the example : simply walk, keeping the dog close to you; while you are walking him, stop several times and at the same time say the word “stop” in a firm voice. At this stage of training, tone of voice is everything: the dog must get used to your authority.

It is important to understand that at this stage your dog stops because you stop and not necessarily because you are ordering it. For the moment the dog is learning to interpret the sound of the word ” stop “, since, obviously, he does not understand our language directly.

Don’t lose patience if your dog tries to continue when you stop. You just have to repeat the “stop” order and not allow it to go beyond the length of the leash. It’s about maintaining authority, and if you give in, allowing him to move you when he decides, that’s the lesson he learns, not standing still.

Step 2: teach the dog how to follow you.

Now that you have stopped, you decide to start walking again. Ask the dog to follow you by giving him the order to walk beside you, it can be a ” let’s go ” or a ” come “, the important thing is that you learn to obey.

This is essential, because the time will come when the dog decides to go on his own and you will want him to follow you. To make him understand this order well, you simply have to call him when you want him to follow you.

Step 3: Repetition creates the habit.

As soon as your dog learns to obey these orders, you will have to use them continuously, until the word “stop” becomes a really effective order. Repeating them at every walk and in every opportune occasion will help the dog to obey spontaneously, without major complications.

Step 4: teach him similar orders.

Once the dog has learned the order to stop, you can proceed to the next step: it involves associating this order with a whistle or the sound of a whistle. This sound has greater power and due to its frequency the dog can hear it at a great distance.

Try alternating the verbal order with a whistle that is clearly distinguishable and different from the order to go forward or follow you. The dog, just hearing the whistle, must be able to understand what you are asking him to do.

Phase 5: the final test.

Your dog will show you unequivocally that he has learned the order to stop / continue, (given with his voice or whistle), when he will obey without being on a leash.

A few more tips ..


  • Whenever the dog successfully completes an action, reinforce it by complimenting it, giving it pats, strokes or a small treat as a reward.
  • It is important to remain calm, remember that learning takes its time, never hit or scold the dog if he disobeys you.
  • Remember: orders must always be short, clear, authoritative. A dog cannot understand a long speech such as “stop Tosca, if you cross the road the cars hit you and you get hurt very much …”. It doesn’t work that way with animals, but a simple “stop” will be effective.
  • Never forget the importance of maintaining authority with your puppies. Despite all the love and care you can give them, a good education will turn them into adults who obey without hesitation. In this way you will avoid that they expose themselves to dangerous situations and that you take on unnecessary stress.

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