How To Tell If Two Dogs Like Each Other

How to tell if two dogs like each other

When we walk down the street and see another dog approaching ours, we start to worry. Our dog is peaceful and adorable, but we don’t know what his reaction will be. The owner of the other dog may feel the same way, for your pet and for his. So, how to understand how it will behave and if your four-legged friend likes the other dog? Through body language.

There are a series of postures that will make you understand if your dog does not like the other, and vice versa; these same postures, along with other signs, will tell you that your dog likes the dog in front of him. We will cover this topic in the following article.

How to know if a dog does NOT like another dog?


There are several gestures that your dog will do that will help you to clearly understand whether or not he will accept the dog that comes towards him.

Here are the postures assumed by a dog when it is in front of another specimen that it does not appreciate:

  • Watchful attitude: If your dog suddenly stops at attention, be wary, as he is likely to start arguing with the other animal.
  • On the forelegs : If he leans on his forelegs to look at his “enemy” with his ears upright and fur straight, oh-oh, you better pick him up before he starts fighting.
  • If he pulls the leash : If he does this while growling it is because he is looking for the fight, he does not like what he sees and wants to go and fix it as soon as possible.
  • If he walks a little  backwards : Beware, maybe he wants to take a run or is terrified and the fear will make him be aggressive.

    But, on the contrary, how to tell if a dog likes the animal in front of him?

    How to tell if two dogs like each other?

    Again, the positions are similar, but accompanied by other signs that will help us identify them as positive. Take note:

    • Watchful attitude: If, as on the previous occasion, the dog is at attention and pays close attention to the other animal, keeping his sight fixed, but begins to wag his tail and moan … You need not fear, his intentions are good and yours. dog likes each other.
    • Throwing on forelegs: If he does this while wagging his tail and doing little hops or getting up and throwing himself several times, your dog likes the other and wants to get to know him, smell him, or whatever dogs do to communicate.
    • If he pulls the leash: If your dog does not like the other, as we have seen before, he will pull the leash while growling; however, if he has good intentions, he will do so moaning, hopping and looking sadly at you, as if asking you to let him go.
    • If he walks backwards : Well, let’s say rather if he jumps behind you, it does not mean that he wants to play, but that he is playing. Your dog appreciates the other and wants to be friends with him.


    Obviously you will also have to pay attention to the gestures made by the other dog, because the intentions of your little friend may not coincide with those of the dog in front of him.

    Pay attention to the other animal’s body language to avoid problems or help your faithful friend make new playmates.

    Sometimes, with patience and gentleness, it is possible to reach an approach even between two dogs that, initially, did not seem to get along; but you will have to do it cautiously, to avoid any problems. However, we will deal with this topic in another article.

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