The 5 Most Beautiful Fish In The Animal Kingdom

In the list that we propose below, we have included 5 aquatic beings which, due to their aesthetic characteristics and popularity, deserve to be considered as the most beautiful of all.
The 5 most beautiful fish in the animal kingdom

Who hasn’t had fish as a baby? It was probably one or more specimens of golden crucian carp, the famous goldfish that could even be won at the Luna Park. Over the years, however, many have decided to broaden their knowledge and today they have truly amazing aquariums. Here then it will interest you to know which are the most beautiful fish  in the animal kingdom.

What are the most beautiful fish in the animal world?

On Earth, there are about 2 million species of fish, and it seems an impossible mission to be able to point out the truly most fascinating and unique specimens. In the list that we propose below, we have included 5 aquatic beings that, due to their aesthetic characteristics and popularity, deserve to be considered as the most beautiful of all. Are you ready to discover them with us?

1. Mandarin fish

If there is one fish that stands out for its impressive beauty, it is the mandarin fish (you can see it in the photo above). Indeed, it is considered one of the most beautiful in the world, since its electric and almost fluorescent colors cannot go unnoticed.

Another of its outstanding features are the bulging eyes that stand out from its small body, which measures no more than six centimeters. It is a carnivorous fish that feeds on crustaceans and small invertebrate animals.

This fish can rarely be kept in an aquarium. Not only for the difficulties related to feeding, but also for the fact of being an exotic animal that lives only in the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and Australia.

2. Koran angelfish

This triangular-shaped fish stands out for its mix of colors in chocolate, white and electric blue tones. It can measure up to 38 centimeters and, unlike the previous specimen, it can be kept as a pet without too much trouble. The only condition is to have an aquarium of at least 600 liters.

Koran angelfish next to a rock

It lives near the coral reefs of the Pacific and its color changes as it enters adulthood. As a young man, his tones are darker, with curved lines. With maturity, the lines disappear to form small specks that stand out on its scales. His life expectancy is 20 years.

3. Clownfish

You may not be too familiar with his name, but we are sure that when you see his picture, you will be reminded of the Disney cartoon Nemo . After the great success of this animated film, in fact, many people began to want to keep it as a pet.

Clownfish among the tentacles of an anemone

It can be yellow or orange – as in the case of Nemo – and usually lives in symbiosis with anemones. As a curiosity, it should be noted that it is a protandric hermaphrodite fish: all specimens that are born as males, but when a dominant specimen emerges, it becomes female so that it can procreate. When he dies, his role is taken by the second most important male.

4. Parrot fish

It receives this name because its colors are similar to those of a parrot, and also because of the shape of its jaw similar to the beak of one of these exotic birds.

Parrotfish swims in turquoise waters

Its green, bluish, purple and yellow tones are truly impressive and arouse the curiosity of anyone who sees it. It inhabits all oceans (Atlantic, Indian and Pacific). He too prefers to live in contact with coral reefs.

5. Siam fighting fish

It is also known as velvet fish because of its appearance, which emulates this material and because of its intense and bright colors. There are monochromatic specimens (like this one below, in a red shade) or others that can have multiple colors at the same time. Seeing a fighting fish swim is one of the most beautiful spectacles that Nature offers us.

Fighting fish while hunting for prey

This freshwater fish lives in Southeast Asia and its body is embellished with a tail and fins that appear to form a fan of feathers. Undoubtedly, this living being is another example of how original and extravagant the animal kingdom can be.

After seeing these 5 most beautiful fish in the world, we are sure that you have already chosen your favorite. Which one would you like to keep in your aquarium? Let us know by commenting on this article now!

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