A Story Of Orphaned Puppies And An Incredible Adoptive Mother

A story of orphaned puppies and an incredible adoptive mother

There is no doubt: the saddest and most delicate situation that a newborn dog can experience is when the mother is not present to take care of it, either because she abandoned him or because she died. It is very sad to see orphaned puppies.

In such situations, puppies’ lives are in serious danger, as they need the care and protection of someone who gives them unconditional love.

A special mom

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Source: Facebook Rocky Ridge Refuge

Just to cope with such sad situations,  there is the Rocky Ridge Refuge, an Arkansas animal shelter, which deals with recovering abandoned litters. These will be well received by Cheesecake, a lovely adoptive mother who will take care of the little ones, giving them all the affection and tenderness they need.

What is surprising is that it is not a dog, but a huge capybara, which over the years has incredibly adapted to live with other animal species, mainly dogs, with which it usually establishes a relationship of extreme affinity when they are puppies. , protecting them and exercising the role of mother.

As Janice Wolf, the founder of the shelter, points out, Cheesecake is like a kind of nurse for orphaned puppies. He is always with them, sleeps next to them, eats and plays with the puppies, which makes them feel protected, helping them in this delicate phase in which they cannot have their biological mother by their side.

It is important to underline that, although this excellent shelter gives up most of the puppies looked after by the huge capybara, there are always other puppies to whom he can give all his affection and care, to let them know, at this stage. criticism of life, what true love is, even if it comes from a being of another species.

Beyond all the goodbyes Cheesecake has had to endure, there will always be puppies for her to care for and love, so her work could be considered endless.

There is no doubt that this is an adorable case that demonstrates how motherhood can come from the need to protect a being who is helpless.

How to take care of orphaned puppies

To keep orphaned puppies alive, since there is no one who can take care of them, you will have to replace yourself in the functions of mother, paying particular attention to some factors that will be decisive for their survival and training, namely the following :

The proper temperature

During this first phase of their life, puppies will need a warm environment, to avoid any complications, given their delicate state of health.

To obtain an ideal environment, during the first six days of life you will have to use incandescent lamps with a temperature of 31 degrees, and then reduce them to 24 in the following weeks.

Obviously, it is very important to pay enormous attention to the temperature, as the slightest mistake can be fatal for puppies, for being too cold or for burns that can occur on their body.

The feeding of orphaned puppies

This is the most important and complicated aspect that you will have to deal with, since it is about feeding the puppies in such a way that they can receive all the different properties offered by the mother’s milk. You will therefore have to prepare an artificial solution that closely resembles it.


Author: barbievoltios

First, newborn dogs need to eat several times a day and in very limited quantities, as their stomachs cannot withstand the ingestion of large volume foods. This means that you will be able to give him nothing but milk.

To prepare it so that it is as close as possible to the mother’s one, you will only need one egg yolk, two tablespoons of liquid cream and half a glass of whole milk.

The quantities to be administered to the puppies should vary as follows:

  • The first week you will have to feed them every 2 hours, with 13 ml of product.
  • The second week, you will give him 17ml every 3 hours.
  • The third, 20 ml, always every 3 hours.
  • At the fourth, they need 22 ml every 4 hours.
  • From the fifth, you will have to give him milk two or three times a day.

Keep in mind that, taking the place of the mother, it is not enough to adopt only these treatments for their survival, but also to give them all the affection and tenderness that these poor orphaned puppies deserve.

Source of images: Rocky Ridge Refuge Facebook page

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