How To Choose A Gift For Your Pet?

How to choose a gift for your pet?

Statistics reveal it: few owners care about giving their pets a birthday or Christmas gift. If you are part of the minority who wants to celebrate their dog or hamster, in today’s article you will find some ideas for choosing the perfect gift for your pets.

How to choose a gift for a pet?

Before buying any gift, it is good to keep in mind some basic aspects related to common sense:

  • Is this gift safe? Can it hurt him?
  • Do you need this gift or can I choose a more useful one?
  • Will he like it?

We must never give something that could be dangerous or not suitable for our pet. A good but indigestible food, a journey where he will get too tired physically or a collar that chokes him, for example, are not gifts: they are punishments and will not be appreciated. If we want to give a gift, we must be sure that our pet can enjoy it.

cat with gifts

In fact, it may happen to feel tempted to give away large objects that seem inviting to our eyes, but which are not at all for the animal: plastic objects, foods that are too sweet or insipid, brightly colored gadgets …

Our pet will appreciate more an object that can bite, with different textures and non-aggressive colors.

We must first give priority to the needs of our animal, leaving out the visual aspect that a possible gift has for us. For example, your hamster will appreciate a new, more spacious cage much more than a ball that rolls around the house – naturally, he spends most of his time in the cage.

What if, instead of giving away a packet of dog biscuits, we undertake to replace its food with something tastier and of higher quality? Again, the need is more important than the object itself.

5 gift ideas for pets: basic necessities

When basic needs are met, our pets are happier and better off both physically and emotionally. They will probably enjoy more for such a change than for a new toy:

  • Best quality feed
  • Deer bones or antlers to bite (dogs)
  • A more spacious cage (rodents and birds)
  • A better filter (fish)
  • A taller and more sophisticated scratching post (cats).

5 pet gift ideas: gifts for the pet

There are objects that are more useful and constructive than a ball to throw or a laser to chase that your pet will like. There are many options that allow you to adapt to the tastes of each species:

  • A longer leash with a new harness (dog)
  • A window hammock (cat)
  • A new and more comfortable cot
  • Nibbling cereal bars (rodents)
  • A small house (birds).

5 gift ideas for pets: gifts for the owner

When pet owners are happier and more motivated, their mood is reflected in their pets. By giving an owner a gift, we will be able to do something pleasing to both of us. Here are some examples:

  • A new brush
  • A book on proper training
  • Puzzles, feathers and other objects to play together
  • A book on clicker training
  • Registration for a workshop on stress-free walks or games.

collie with ball in mouth

5 gift ideas for animals: intangible gifts

Gifts don’t necessarily have to be physical items. There are intangible gifts that can have much more value than any object, as they allow us to improve the life of our animal.

Some may be unwelcome at first (which dog would be happy to go to the vet?), But they will have many positive effects in the future. Preventing and improving the quality of his life will have a positive effect on the whole family.

  • Basic obedience lessons
  • Voucher to go to the vet
  • A visit to a new larger dog area
  • A few hours in a spa in a stress-free environment
  • Start buying fruit and vegetables from a greengrocer that is better than usual (rabbits and guinea pigs).

You are part of a minority that knows that taking care of your pet and showing affection does not hurt anyone and that it improves the relationship between you. Follow essential safety precautions, don’t get carried away by the bright colors of toys in pet stores, and think about what your little friend might genuinely like.

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