Differences Between City Dogs And Country Dogs

Differences between city dogs and country dogs

When it comes to dogs it is necessary to mention the world in which they live and grow, because the environment influences their behavior. In addition, the attitudes of the people around them must be taken into account. What are city and country dogs like?

We must remember that, just as it happens with other living beings, including humans, context influences adaptation and existence. The differences between city and country dogs are defined by the space they live in on a daily basis.

As with humans, dogs acquire characteristics based on where they live, city or countryside. It is not the same to live in a large metropolis, where the pace of life is much more intense, than in a rural area where there is no stress and nature is much more present.

The times are also noticeably different. In rural and agricultural areas, people wake up and go to sleep very early. A factor that becomes crucial in everyday life, regardless of whether it is people or pets.

a white pointer hunting on the meadow

City and country dogs adapt to these elements, developing different, almost opposing existences. A dog that is raised and adopted in a metropolitan area suffers from levels of stress and anxiety that another similar ‘peasant’ will never know.

The walks

The dogs were tested against their  daily walking routine , yielding conclusions showing different results. The dog breeds that live in the countryside, for an elementary question of space, can move freely and without a leash. However, they always maintain eye contact with their owners and never stray too far from them.

On the contrary, the dog that lives in the city is usually anxious and when he goes for a walk he tries to escape. For this reason, on many occasions it ends up getting lost. He is not used to making eye contact with the person driving him.

The sense of smell

Dogs have a very developed sense of smell, as has been shown. However, in the case of country and city dogs, there are some fundamental differences. This is not only due to a matter of training, objectively greater in the specimens that live in rural environments, but also from the patience and concentration in doing so.

The dog that grows in the country develops much more patience and spends much more time smelling the world and the objects around it. Sometimes it is even employed in activities that exploit its privileged flair, as in the case of hunting.

a small beagle sniffs a rock

The dog that is born and grows up in the city, being more restless, if not equally trained, is much less patient, he quickly sniffs everything because he is in a hurry. He knows he has a few minutes to find and follow possible leads.


If we talk about the well-being of these loyal pets, it is normal to consider the country dogs healthier, and with fewer health problems than their cousins ​​who live in the city. This obviously concerns both the physical and mental spheres.

In short, they are said to lead a better life and that’s not hard to believe. Of course, there are also extreme cases concerning the way to keep and take care of animals, since there can be more respectful and caring ‘citizen’ owners than those who, perhaps accustomed to life in the countryside, usually consider  dogs as work tools..

However, there are two key elements that allow country dogs to potentially have a  better existence :

The habitat

The life of a dog raised in the countryside, in a natural environment, is that of an animal that enjoys greater freedom of movement. He does not know the stress of being locked in the house for hours and, every day, he has the opportunity to train and develop his senses.

Obviously, dogs that live in a small apartment or a house in the city are not in their natural environment. Moreover, it is often repetitive and closed. When you take it for a walk, it usually takes the same route, without any novelty. This fact is exacerbated if you have a dog with a high energy capacity that needs to be discharged.

For these reasons it is generally recommended that city dogs always do different and stimulating activities. Starting by varying the route of the walks, their duration and the places where we play together. This will reduce the amount of accumulated anxiety and stress.

Contact with people

Constant contact with other people and animals also gives country dogs a  higher quality of life. Finding themselves having to interact, every day, with different living beings, these specimens will improve their temperament and the level of socialization. The dog has always helped humans to perform various tasks. It is seen as a pet and also as a company. It is for this reason that he is at ease, surrounded by people.

There is still a lot to investigate and learn about the differences between city dogs and country dogs. Their company has always been essential for humans, but you must always do everything possible to always create a  habitat suitable for them. Since, as we have seen, it  greatly affects the happiness and well-being of your four-legged friend.

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