Let’s Discover Together 5 Exotic Cat Breeds

Hairless, with tiny ears and different colored eyes, the exotic cat breeds are striking for their originality.
Let's find out 5 exotic cat breeds together

Exotic cats attract attention for their particular traits, for their rarity worldwide and, in some cases, for their few years of existence.

In this article we will tell you about  some exotic cat breeds:

5 exotic cat breeds

Maybe you are looking for an animal that no one has, or that is very different from what you are used to. Exotic cats are the right choice and at the same time they can satisfy your originality. Some breeds are the result of natural mutations and others are born thanks to the intervention of man:

1. Sphynx

Its name means “sphinx”, and it developed in the late 70’s. The  main feature is that it does not have hair. In fact, its coat is so thin and short that it seems non-existent. It is very vulnerable to the sun and cold due to the fact that it does not have protection.

Sphynx with pink sweater

In addition, the Sphynx has a small head compared to the rest of the body and ears, which are very large and pointed. Another feature is its large eyes, which give it a penetrating look.

2. Savannah

If you’ve always dreamed of having a big cat as a pet, this cat breed is ideal for you. It is one of the “newest”, and was officially recognized in 2001.

Savannah on the fence

The Savannah was born from the cross between a common domestic cat and different breeds of African wild cats. For this reason, its spotted coat can be confused with that of a leopard or an ocelot. In addition, it is a large animal compared to the others: it can weigh 15 kg. (the normal weight for a cat is 4 kg).

3. Scottish fold

This is one of the more peculiar exotic cats  because it looks like it doesn’t have ears. He actually has them, but they are very small and they fall on the front. It is a breed of Scottish origin that comes from the cross between a Swedish female and a British Shorthair male.

Scottish Fold lying down

The same genetic mutation that makes him look so strange is also the one that causes him arthritis from an early age, an extremely painful disease.

The Scottish Fold looks like a stuffed animal, has a soft face, is friendly, calm and gets along well with both children and other animals.

4. Khao manee

It is a breed that comes from Thailand, where it was already known 100 years ago. The name of this cat means “white gem” in the local language, although all over the world it is known as “diamond eye cat”. This is due to the fact that it has different colored irises (light blue and green).

Khao Manee cat

In addition, the Khao Manee has a completely white coat, an athletic, muscular body and, as for its personality, curiosity, intelligence and the ability to communicate are its main virtues.

5. LaPerm

The last of the exotic cat breeds arose by chance in the United States in 1982 due to a natural mutation in only one member of a litter. When she was born, the female that gave rise to LaPerm was the same as her siblings, but had little hair.

LaPerm cat above box

When she first spawned, she gave birth to 5 males with curly and very fluffy coats of different colors. Its tail is very bushy compared to the rest of the body. As for his temperament, we can say that the LaPerm is active, has a nice character and is very affectionate.

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