The Progress Of Colombian Justice Towards Animals

The progress of Colombian justice towards animals

There are more and more laws that protect domestic and wild animals. Some countries are more “advanced” in this matter. This is the case in Colombia. In this article we present the news of justice in favor of all living beings.

2016 was historic for Colombian animals

Although animal abuse continues in many countries, Colombian justice last year classified this conduct as a crime. Basically this is due to the fact that animals have gone from being considered things to being recognized as sentient beings.

According to a local animal advocate, author of Law 1774 (which was signed by the President of Colombia in January 2016) named Juan Carlos Losada, the year just ended was a year of progress in matters relating to welfare and protection of all living beings.

This is not a feeling or optimism. Rather, it is the analysis of the various advances that have been made throughout the Colombian territory. Although much remains to be done, the mentality of the inhabitants is slowly changing, and they are now beginning to see animals as beings that feel and not as objects.

There are various initiatives that will be implemented shortly. For example, political participation in the defense and protection of animals (overseen by the National Planning Department), and the establishment of a specific office within the interior ministry to carry out checks and recalls in relation to law 1774.

Before and after the law 1774

In December 2015, a bill was approved by the plenary assembly of the Senate to amend decree 84 of 1989. Criminal proceedings and respect for animals were also defined. It is worth knowing that before all this, animals were regarded as “movable property”. Today, even the simple (and enormous) fact that they are considered “sentient beings” completely changes the legislation.

Law 1774 serves to ensure that animals have rights and are taken into account. In case of maltreatment, economic sanctions (between 5 and 50 monthly salaries) or prison sentences (from 12 to 36 months with aggravating circumstances) will be applied.

In 2016, cases of maltreatment decreased. However, they have not yet been fully eradicated. But as of now all these episodes will be recorded and the corresponding penalties will be applied. Only one month after the law was passed, 6 people were arrested accused of animal abuse.

In addition, the 1774 law is very useful for educating citizenship. Everyone needs to know that mistreating an animal is not only morally unacceptable, it is now also a criminal offense. Authorities have to act in front of beings, and not things, so the change is radical.

A long way to go

Source: Happy Animals Club Facebook page

Obviously, there  is still a long way to go and there are many aspects that need to be improved. For example, how to implement the law, which competent authorities are involved, how the procedure must be carried out in each individual case and what instruments the judges have.

It is a task that requires work and participation from different institutions. The nation’s attorney general, the national police and the judiciary (especially judges) will be involved. It is also a challenge for local and municipal authorities, as well as for “ordinary” citizens. The latter must know how to recognize and report the mistreatment of animals.

The Colombian population is rightly informed that, in the event of an animal being mistreated, it must be reported officially and presented as much evidence as possible at the police offices, at the national prosecutor’s office or at the emergency response units.

What is considered animal abuse? If the animal suffers from hunger, thirst, physical discomfort, pain, illness due to neglect or disinterest, fear or excessive stress.

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