Your Dog Knows You Better Than Anyone

Your dog knows you better than anyone else

Your dog knows you better than anyone else. Ever since he first arrived home, he has become your best friend, always there to help you, to give you courage or a loving paw. You never could have imagined that this little being would become so important in your life.

Now, after several years together, you have become inseparable friends, accomplices who together can face anything. This is why your dog knows you better than anyone else. But what does this statement really mean?

Your dog knows you better than anyone else

Autore: Ana Fuentes
Author: Ana Fuentes

He knows when the time is right to ask you for a walk

It doesn’t matter what your face looks or what you are doing. Your dog will always know when is the best time to ask you for a walk or to ask for cuddles or snacks. After a long time together, he knows how to interpret your looks and your body language, and therefore knows when to approach or stay away from you. 

He knows you are sad even if you smile

You’ve had a terrible day at work and don’t want your trusted friend to see you sad. You know that he is not happy when he sees you down in the dumps and that is why you enter the house with a smile. Do you think you can deceive him? You are deluded! Your dog knows perfectly well what lies behind your smiles of circumstance, he knows you better than anyone else, so you cannot pretend with him. 

It won’t come close if you are angry

Even if you want to hide or have not even spoken to him, your pet will know if you are angry and you will realize it because he will not look for you, he will not be near you and will not answer your call. He knows this is not a good time to bother you and that you need your space and he, empathetic and loving as ever, will give it to you. 

He knows if you don’t like someone

Have you ever noticed that your dog reacts badly in the presence of some people? Perhaps you should stop and think about what kind of relationship you have with this person and whether you like it or not. Most likely, you are not exactly well disposed towards this person either.

Your dog, in fact, is able to understand if you like someone or not simply from your gaze or the attitude of your body. His dislike is therefore yet another sign of his loyalty to you. Have you ever heard that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”? Well, the opposite happens for dogs, your enemies will also be his.

He will know if you are pregnant

You may not even know it, but your dog can detect a pregnancy thanks to the changes in the smell of your skin. Perhaps this is where the intense love of dogs for children comes from, because they know them even before you.

He knows when you have been unfaithful to him

If you get home and your dog sniffs you persistently, don’t think he’s hungry. The fact is, he knows perfectly well that you have been with another dog. Also, only thanks to the smell this dog has left on you, your pet will know if it was a boy or a girl and even what he ate. Be careful, your dog will not be easily betrayed!

He knows if you are sick


We have already talked about the ability of dogs to detect diseases. Simply by the smell you emanate, the dog can tell if there is something wrong with you. If you notice that your dog is persistently sniffing a certain part of your body, follow his instincts and go to the doctor. You have nothing to lose, but maybe a lot to gain.

He knows when you need a hug

Empathy has always been one of the main characteristics of dogs. Not only will they always know when you need a hug, but they’ll rush to give it to you. Doesn’t such a special being deserve your unconditional love? Are you still unsure whether your dog knows you better than anyone else?

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