10 Things Your Dog Can Predict

10 things your dog can predict

Dogs have always been considered man’s best friend, but they have an innate ability that makes them love them even more. Your dog can predict at least 10 events before they happen.

It is known that the dog is an animal with great intelligence and highly developed senses; it is precisely these characteristics that give him the faculty to intuit certain situations; it is, however incredible it may seem, an authentic and scientifically proven gift.

10 things your dog can predict



It is proven that the dog has the ability to tell when a woman is pregnant, before she herself knows. This is due to its sense of smell, which allows it to recognize the hormonal changes taking place in our body.

When you are about to leave

Even if you haven’t gotten your keys or your jacket on yet, your dog can sense your whereabouts and know you’re about to leave. This is a very curious fact considering that animals do not have the knowledge of time; it is just a great capacity for observation that makes them able to understand your intentions.

When you are about to go home

Even before turning the corner of the house, your dog is already barking or looking out the window. It is thanks to the impressive sense of smell of these animals, which can smell our scent from a great distance. Hearing is equally fine, so if your scent is still inside the car, your dog can recognize the noise of your vehicle from several meters away.

Your mood

You can also not speak, not look at him or not move, he understands if you are happy, sad or angry. Dogs know how to sense our emotions.

Proximity of childbirth

The bond that is created between owner and dog is incredible; especially with women dogs are able to perceive hormonal changes, emotions and feelings. For this reason, if you are pregnant and you notice that the dog has never left you for a few days, it means that the baby is about to be born. Your four-legged friend feels the duty to protect you and with the sense of smell is able to understand the exact moment of birth.


We have often said that dogs can detect certain diseases such as cancer or prostate disorders; some can even detect low blood sugar and remind their owners to take their medications. Again, this is a skill related to their amazing sense of smell.


Probably you too as children you will have been afraid of dogs (especially the bigger ones); you will surely have heard: “the dog understands that you are afraid, he can smell it”. This is not a myth, it is absolutely true and scientifically proven. Fear raises the adrenaline in the blood and generates pheromones, and dogs can smell them.

When the weather is about to change

Animals have highly developed hearing; this, together with their instincts, helps them to know in advance when the weather is about to change. They can hear thunder before it comes; that’s why we often see them getting nervous before a storm approaches.

The death of a person

When a person is about to die, changes take place in his body and the dog is able to perceive them through the sense of smell. This is why dogs have the ability to predict a person’s death.



There are many videos on the internet of dogs running like crazy just before an earthquake occurs. It is still not clear whether this ability is to be attributed to the sense of smell, hearing or a strong sensitivity in the paws to seismic waves.

As you can see, there are many events your dog can anticipate. So, don’t lose sight of it if you want to know in advance the events, from the bad ones like an illness or an earthquake, to the good ones, like the birth of a child. Do you understand now why the dog is man’s best friend?

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