Pain In Animals

Pain in animals

Although it seems obvious to say, animals suffer pain in the same way as humans. Since they cannot communicate it directly to us, however, it is sometimes difficult to identify it.

Perhaps it is for this reason that until the last years of the last century the fact that animals can suffer was not taken into consideration. Until then, experiments and other cruelties were carried out on dogs with the excuse that they felt no pain.

They could only experience uncontrolled muscle reflexes and nervous responses. It is clear that these experts had never had a cat that had accidentally stepped on its tail …

Sometimes ignorance and insensitivity lurk behind scientific dogmas that consider absolute truths and indisputable issues that should never be considered closed or final.

Fortunately, things are changing, and nowadays we are aware that the pain threshold of animals is very similar to ours.

How pain occurs in animals


Since pets cannot use words to express their pain, it is wise to pay attention to their body language and changes in their behavior.

The most basic reaction, especially in acute pain cases, tends to be aggression. An animal in such a situation feels threatened by everything, and for this reason reacts violently. In reality, you who know your pet better than anyone else will realize that something is wrong. The problem is that not all species react in the same way. For instance:

  • Some dogs howl and moan.
  • Cats have a tendency to hide in enclosed places or will stop brushing all the time.
  • With rodents and rabbits attention should be paid to decreasing appetite or their movements.

Additional signs in cats and dogs can be:

  • Change of position (hunched back, tail between legs, etc.).
  • Glassy look.
  • Nervousness during sleep.
  • Difficulty getting up.
  • Facial grimaces.
  • Decrease in the activity carried out.
  • Less consumption of water and food.
  • Tremors.
  • Wheezing.
  • Arranging.

Keep in mind that in nature there are many cases in which animals try not to show themselves vulnerable to avoid being easy prey, or not to lose authority within their herd.

Treatment of pain in pets and other animals


Currently , most veterinarians operate on the principle of analogy, which is based on the theory that if something is painful to humans, it will also be painful to animals. In addition, an increasing number of analgesics and specific drugs are in production that can be used for punctual pain or palliative care.

In any case, the treatment of pain in animals becomes essential to avoid the occurrence of harmful effects for their organism, among which are:

  • Predisposition to infections.
  • Post-surgical complications.
  • Delay in wound healing.
  • Loss of body weight.

The changes and improvements in this area have been considerable, if we consider the fact that until recently in the faculties of veterinary medicine it was taught not to administer analgesics following operations, since in this way the animal remained calm and could be avoided. many complications.

It was even thought that in the first months of life the puppies did not feel any pain, due to the poor development of their nervous system.

It has been a long time before it has been possible to demonstrate that the neurological recognition of pain and the pathways of pain diffusion are the same in both humans and animals, and that they are developed from birth.

Although veterinary medicine has made great strides in the treatment of canines and felines, there are still almost no choices of drugs for exotic animals such as chameleons, iguanas or snakes.

What you can do is always be very attentive to your pet’s behavior and, in the face of the slightest wrong signal, take him immediately to the vet explaining in detail all the symptoms you have noticed.

This will make the role of the expert easier, since within the counseling centers it is often difficult to determine the extent of the pain, as the animals will be intimidated by the environment that is foreign to them.

Also remember not to give your pets analgesics for humans without the proper medical prescription, otherwise you could cause them serious harm in an attempt to relieve their pain. One way to show them how much you love them is to act responsibly, and your pet will be grateful to you.

Featured image courtesy of LRN.

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