The First Aid Kit For Animals

The first aid kit for animals

Have you ever thought about getting a first aid kit for your pet? If the answer is no, we invite you to read this article: we explain why you must always have a first aid kit on hand and what it must contain.

Why get a first aid kit for pets?

It is very important to always have a first aid kit on hand. It is necessary to have medication and first aid materials to be able to provide first aid in case of minor accidents such as: bites, cuts or superficial burns.

Even in the event of a serious accident, having a first aid kit available will help you reduce the damage resulting from the injury before going to the vet. In fact, you will have the necessary means to be able to make a temporary bandage or to disinfect the wound.

Remember to always check the expiration date of everything contained in the box. You have to review medications and other items at least once every two months. 


What should a first aid kit contain?

There are ready-made cassettes on the market with everything you need. The price changes depending on the content, there are various types, from the essential ones to the more complete ones. However, if you want, you can prepare a DIY first aid kit, the important thing is that it contains these basic items:

  • Physiological solution (or saline solution ). It is perfect for cleaning wounds. It also provides the cells with the necessary electrolytes: sodium, potassium and calcium. It has no contraindications and can be applied to any type of wound. It is also excellent for cleaning the eyes of the animal.
  • Gauze. When you are about to clean a wound or wound, it is important to have sterile gauze. There are various types, make sure that the gauze wrapping is intact, to avoid the danger of contamination.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. Hydrogen peroxide is often used to disinfect wounds and to prevent possible infections. However, remember that these products can cause pain or burning and that your pet will probably not be happy with the care you are giving them.
  • Bandages. Bandages are used to temporarily immobilize an animal’s limb before going to the veterinary clinic. It’s a temporary solution : a bad bandage can have serious repercussions. Only a veterinarian is able to apply a correct bandage or splint. 
  • Thermometer. You should always have a thermometer handy, it is the only way you have to know if your pet has a fever. Remember to purchase a digital thermometer specifically designed for rectal use.


  • Neutral soap. Very useful for cleaning wounds caused by bites, thus avoiding infections transmitted by saliva.
  • Pliers. A pair of long and narrow pliers can help if there is a need to remove foreign bodies, such as: thorns, glass, etc. You can also use them to remove ticks.
  • Dropper. A dropper is useful for administering the exact dose of medication prescribed by the veterinarian. Do not use syringes in place of the dropper because the animal may draw in the drug instead of swallowing it.
  • Scissors. The scissors are used to cut the gauze or bandages, but also to remove the strands of hair that hinder access to the injured part.

We advise you not to put medicines for human use in the first aid kit. You cannot know what effects they might have if given to the animal. Any medication you use must be prescribed by your veterinarian.

Store the first aid kit in a suitable place, away from heat sources or drafts. By doing so, in case of need, you will not waste precious time looking for the kit and you can intervene quickly, to give first aid to your beloved pet.

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