Tips And Tricks For Taming A Horse

Tips and tricks for taming a horse

Horses are among the animals that have accompanied humans for the longest, throughout history, along with cats and dogs. Their elegance, work ability and loyalty are incomparable. But, to master one, you need to have great patience and respect. Here then is a series of tips on how to tame a horse.

The secret of a slow and sweet tame

Horses have different personalities, which differentiate them from other individuals of their species. This is why, although relationships with different subjects may be the same, it does not imply that the results are exactly the same.

However, the taming process is the same for each specimen, with the difference in the intensity of the exercises applied. It’s a technique that requires patience for both the horse and the trainer, so we’re not talking about something straightforward.

If you are thinking of taming one too quickly, you should keep in mind that the process can take up to a year. But rest assured, it’s worth it.

How to tame a horse in a few steps?

First, you will need to create a bond of trust with the horse to be tamed. The ideal is to earn his friendship and make him feel comfortable. These aspects are essential to make him understand that you are not a threat to him, so that he always remains calm.

young woman strokes the muzzle to a horse

To do this, it is necessary to resort to different methods when petting the animal and making contact with it. You can start by calling it with soft sounds and using clicks and whistles. Talk to him in a very gentle and sweet way, without making excessively loud sounds and avoiding sudden movements that can scare him.

You should never approach the horse by surprise without him seeing you. It needs to observe the movements of your body and the way you look at it. The ideal in this case is for the equine to approach alone and greet you with affection, tilting its head towards you.

You should never hit him or intimidate  him or humiliate him in any way. These wrong actions will only serve to delay the taming process, making the horse wary and difficult to manage. You should always treat him with respect and education. Also remember that the animal needs to look at you all the time, so never approach it from behind.

To strengthen this bond, try giving him fresh grass and water as you stroke him. The animal will associate this contact with something very positive and will grant you its submission. Once you believe that you have earned his trust, it is time to move on to the next step.

Getting the horse used to harnesses

This stage consists of familiarizing the animal with the driving accessories, so that they begin to accept them willingly, without causing resentment or fear in them. Likewise, it’s about getting him used to obeying commands and following you without hesitation.

blonde girl rests her head on the forehead of a white horse

To begin with, try to get him used to the halter, which is the piece that goes into his nose and head, which will allow you to maneuver him with agility. You shouldn’t put it on right away, let me smell this new object, observe it and familiarize yourself with it.

When you think it’s convenient, it’s time to let him put it on and make sure he’s comfortable. If you notice that the animal is calm, this is a good sign. Conversely, if he appears nervous or impatient, it is best to remove the halter without hesitation, and then try again another day.

You should follow the same procedure with the other harnesses: the saddle, the stirrups, the bridle, the harnesses, the martingales, the breastplates and, of course,  the reins and the bit.

How to get the horse used to the reins?

This accessory is essential to be able to teach obedience to the horse and lead it comprehensively. This is a fundamental step in taming, since it will allow you to ride the animal and guide it when it walks, runs or jumps. Try to guide it for a few meters in a circle without forcing it to use a calm and sweet voice.

a galloping horse with jockey

At the same time, it is advisable to introduce him to some command items, so that he understands when to stop and when to move, among other things. Once this phase is complete, it will be necessary to familiarize the animal with all the other elements.

Saddle, brackets and other elements

As we told you a moment ago, you should present all the harnesses and accessories one by one and familiarize the animal with it, letting it sniff  and examine. In the case of the saddle, you shouldn’t put it on the horse right away, but let him know that it should be placed on his back.

Never adjust the straps to the maximum and too tight the first time they are used. This will only scare the horse and hinder the process. The pressure must be adjusted gradually and over time, to prevent this from happening.

Once you have managed to use all the equipment and mount the horse, the ultimate goal has been achieved. As you have seen, taming a horse is not an easy task. But with respect, perseverance and gentleness, you will  be able to make your pet carry out any type of activity.

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