Man Made The Earth Hell For Animals

Man has made the earth hell for animals

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) once said: “Man has made the earth a hell for the animals.”

The truth is that, since ancient times, man has always been cruel towards other living beings, generating despair and clamor among those people who love and respect all the creatures that populate the planet.

An ancient hell

Examples of brutality towards animals are still present today in various forms. But the stories featuring animals used to attack and kill, even against other human beings considered enemies, have existed since ancient times.

The use of dogs during wars reached almost intolerable limits with the use of bomb dogs. These were dogs that were fed under tanks and then deprived of food for several days.

Before a fight, these animals were loaded with explosives which were denoted when, innocently, they approached the tanks of the opponents in search of food.

These are not phenomena that occurred a very long time ago. We are talking about concrete events that occurred during the Second World War.

Atrocious shows


The use of animals for various shows, whether legal or not, is a rather controversial topic. Apart from the fact that many defend the cultural aspect linked to the tradition of some of these events, it is difficult to sustain the position of those who go to the arenas to observe with satisfaction how poor bulls, in inferior conditions, are forced to suffer the worst mistreatment before being killed by some cowardly showman.

And what about circuses. Even if the number of places that prohibit the use of animals for this type of exhibition is constantly growing, it is good to never forget the terrible punishment that falls to creatures that are removed from their natural habitat and forced to carry out tests and adventures  for the fun of humans, guilty of paying the entrance fee to applaud these “feats”.

The round of illegal and clandestine gambling,  the fights  between cocks and those between dogs, continue to be clear manifestations of the level of aberration that the soul of man can reach.

Experiencing the horror

It is true that thanks to these experiments, humanity has made great strides in the treatment of various diseases, yet it takes a lot of courage to introduce who knows what deadly viruses into an innocent creature.

And the situation gets even worse when the experiments are done in cosmetic laboratories. In order for us humans to have wrinkle-free skin or perfect hair, thousands of animals have had to test products to arrive at the perfect formula. Imagine all the failed attempts.

Not to mention those who considered it a great goal to send dogs or monkeys into space and not make them go back.

Love for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it is safe to say that one who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.

-Arthur Schopenhauer-

Man created hell for animals

We could go on with the list indefinitely. Below we leave you only a list of other  forms through which man makes the earth a hell for animals,  causing the extinction of entire species.

  • Destruction of natural habitats
  • Trafficking in exotic species
  • Indiscriminate hunting or for sport
  • Domestic or street mistreatment
  • Unsustainable living conditions on farms
  • Cruel carnage to obtain hides, meats and fangs
  • Exploitation as “beasts” for the loading and transport of goods
  • Enclosure in zoos.

Educating to love and respect for all living beings


Making a list with all the details related to these practices can be unbearable. For those who wish, the internet is full of images and videos aimed at spreading awareness of animal abuse.

In the meantime, try to avoid actually raising your children where the different forms of cruelty to these creatures are accepted or naturalized; do not let your children run the risk of developing a tendency to this type of behavior.

Spreading awareness of the different forms of abuse suffered by animals and contributing to the respect of their rights may seem like a daunting task, but it is not good to give them up for this.

Image courtesy of Tony.

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