Asian Smoke And Tabby: History, Characteristics And Curiosities

Asian Smoke and Tabby: history, characteristics and curiosities

If you love cats, any type of domestic feline will seem sweet, nice and suitable for keeping you company. However, there seems to be a certain predilection towards some breeds in particular, especially the Asian Smoke and Tabby cat. This sympathy may be due to the great resemblance this cat has to the tiger. Do you want to know more about this animal? Read on!

All about the Asian Smoke and Tabby cat

Origin and history

Initially it was known as “burmoire”, due to the fact that this specimen comes from a cross of the  Sacred Cat of Burma. It was developed in Great Britain, through crosses of this breed with others that would have brought unique characteristics to what everyone can appreciate today. The goal of this new pet was to devote himself to  hunting mice.

Asian Smoke and Tabby cat chases mouse

However, due to the large multitude of breeds that emerged at that time, this cat was seen as more than just a rodent hunter. Perhaps because of the beauty of his appearance or his friendly nature. The fact is that, very soon, British citizens began to want their own specimen of Asian Smoke and Tabby cat to keep it, simply, as a pet.

And it was precisely at that moment that the burmoire cat began to become popular. Its beauty, due to a fur very similar to that of a tiger, and its sociable personality, combined with the tranquility it emanates, made it an increasingly desirable pet .

Physical characteristics

The Asian Smoke and Tabby is a very muscular medium sized cat , especially in the leg and chest area, which gives it an impressive aura of superiority over other breeds. This, added to its elegance when it moves, makes it one of the most charming cats in the world.

Its head is shaped like a wedge, with pointed ears and round but upward-pointing eyes. These, although they may vary in color, always have a green or yellow hue .

the green eyes of the Asian cat smoke brindle

Some special specimens are accepted by cat clubs if they have a very different and original tone. We are talking about those that are even more similar to the Burmese cat and have a shade that can range from white to silver.

The tail of the Asian Smoke and Tabby is neither thick nor too hairy, certainly wider at the base and narrow at the tip. Of its legs it is possible to underline that the hind ones are a little longer than  the front ones. This allows him to have more thrust when running or jumping.

Character and temperament

It has a calm and friendly character, which allows it to easily adapt to home environments. It doesn’t matter if these are made up of a single member or large families. It adapts to all types of people and can also coexist seamlessly with other animals.

cat plays with object on the floor

He is tolerant and docile, ideal for being with children because he always wants to play and has never exhibited any aggressive behavior. Curiously, it has a slightly higher IQ than other cats. An aspect that will lead him to have a certain predilection towards the more intelligent members of the family.

Caring for an Asian Smoke and Tabby cat

As a general rule, the burmoire cat is in good health and is a very hardy pet. However, some problems related to this breed are hair loss and cataracts. We recommend periodic visits to the vet to make sure everything is going well and to avoid any of these problems.

Like all cats, he may also suffer from hairballs in his stomach. Check this with your vet as well, to ward off any more serious problems later on.

Did you like this  little tiger ? Perhaps you are considering adopting one as a pet? It’s a great idea: you will have a very playful friend to share your life with.

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