Avoid Running Into These Animals!

Avoid running into these animals!

Whether it is for their beauty or for their sympathy, animals are always able to attract our attention. Men have always chosen the company of dogs, cats and other pets that over time have become accustomed to living with humans. But sometimes we make the mistake of believing that creatures found within wildlife or zoological reserves can be as friendly as our pets at home. For this reason it is important to take the necessary precautions and to warn children, in order to avoid dangerous or traumatic situations. Even pets that don’t belong to us or that we meet on the street can respond aggressively if we try to get close to them.

A useful tip: it is better if you avoid running into these animals


There are certain animals that must be admired with respect and from afar, whether it is for their size, their well-known reputation as predators or because they are poisonous. Lions, tigers, polar bears, sharks, rhinos, hippos, elephants, snakes, crocodiles … But what are the animals that seem harmless, but which are better to stay away from?

Below is a list of animals that can have unpredictable reactions and endanger us with their behavior if they feel threatened:

  • Pandas, tender creatures in danger of extinction and that we would like to embrace, possess dangerous jaws with large teeth, sharp claws and large powerful muscles. Popular beliefs consider them to be harmless, but pandas can actually be as dangerous as any bear. Maybe it’s better to buy a stuffed animal.
  • Deer, those little animals capable of awakening so much tenderness and love in us since we saw Bambi’s film , are capable of reacting violently if they believe that something or someone represents a threat to them or their puppies, or during the period of heat. They may chase you and overwhelm you, and don’t forget that some have huge horns.
  • Planet of the Apes aside, chimpanzees are almost always presented as adorable creatures in both film and television. But before you rush into caressing them, you should keep in mind that their arms are on average five times stronger than a man’s. In addition, they have aggressive behaviors derived from the need to get used to survival in the forest.
  • The swans, those beautiful birds that remind us of the story of the ugly duckling, will start croaking to warn you that you are getting too close to them. If you don’t back away, they will start chasing you and try to peck you.
  • Even the adorable dolphins that live in numerous aquariums and do pirouettes for our enjoyment, can come to have unpredictable reactions, and their bites can prove deadly.
  • Kangaroos, portrayed as cute boxers, can use both their front and hind legs – equipped with sharp nails – to demonstrate their dominance and attack those they consider aggressors.
  • Frogs tend to be harmless unless you come across one that is bright and attractive. This is the arrow frog. It doesn’t even cross your mind to touch it, its beautiful colors are in fact poisonous toxins. Better go back to the Muppets.

    The enemy in the house


    Sometimes we don’t realize it until the situation gets serious, but the insects that are in the house are a danger to our health and that of our animals. Cockroaches, rodents, bats and sometimes even pigeons, all animals that can transmit diseases such as rabies or leptospirosis.

    It will be better if you ask for the help of an expert to disinfect the house. Be well informed and look for options that are least harmful to nature, otherwise you could get even worse results.

    Without having to move too much, a creature that seems insignificant like a mosquito is responsible for the transmission of diseases such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever and Chikungunya fever.  They enter your house without permission and pinch you without you even realizing it, until you start to feel that annoying itch.

    Other beings that live in our homes without our permission are scorpions and spiders. Their stings can be fatal if not treated in time.

    A further danger that threatens us without having to travel too much – in gardens, parks or squares – are bees and wasps. There are more dangerous or less dangerous ones, but their bites are painful and can generate allergic reactions of no small importance.

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