Toys To Relieve Stress For Dogs

Toys to relieve dog stress

We know that our beloved dogs also suffer from stress. When they are puppies, perhaps because they are teething, or when they are alone at home, because they suffer from separation anxiety from their owners, and again for various reasons, dogs suffer from stress. Among the things we have available to help them calm down are toys.

What are the best stress relieving toys for dogs?

dog biting toy

Biting into objects calms dogs. While it may seem inappropriate, this is the best way to mitigate your dog’s stress. Chewing and biting anything is your dog’s most natural activity, for this reason, before he bites everything he finds, you will do well to provide him with a good amount of toys to help him release his tension, and at the same time help him to maintain his oral health, because continual biting generates a massage for the gums, exercise for the jaws and keeps his teeth clean.

The most suitable toys for calming your dog’s stress, especially when he is alone, are those that in turn provide him with nutrients. In pet shops there are packs made by different companies. Alternatively you can make them yourself, just pay attention to the materials and ingredients used for their preparation, making sure that they are not a risk to your health, checking that they are not toxic, that they do not break easily and that they cannot be ingested. . But make sure, they are very resistant.

With these games your dog will keep busy for hours, playing while eating his favorite food by biting, moving or rolling the container that contains it.

In addition to helping him forget his distress, it stimulates his mind as he is busy finding ways to get his coveted food out of the toy. These types of toys also allow you to adjust the degree of difficulty to obtain the prize, in relation to the diameter of the holes that provide it.

Another way to entertain him and let him release his stress are the classic edible bones. They make them with natural material that can usually be ingested by dogs without any problems. However, the ideal would be to give the dog a certain variety of toys by letting him   choose what he prefers to bite. However, you will have to separate the ones he can use himself and those he must use under your supervision, i.e. those that could break and risk swallowing a few pieces. If this happens, remove the broken toy immediately.

Tips for choosing anti-stress toys for your dog

dog and toy

It is always advisable to ask your vet for advice on the most suitable toys for your dog according to the size, age and breed.

Once you reach the first month of life, you can start giving toys to your puppy. The precautions are always the same throughout his life.

– They must have a suitable size to prevent it from swallowing them.

They must not deteriorate or break because they could cause intestinal obstructions.

-Make sure that the materials with which they were made are not toxic,  so that they do not pose a risk to your dog’s health.

-Prevent them from getting dirty and sanitize them before you take them in your mouth.

Many people use soft toys as toys for their dogs, but it is not recommended, not only because the pieces fall off and are swallowed by the dog – eyes, ears, etc – but mostly because they break them easily and eat the material they are stuffed with. . Although nothing usually happens, there are cases where the dog can risk choking or suffering from an intestinal obstruction.

Generally, toys sold at the vet or pet stores are safe. But this is not always the case for those marketed by shops without health checks, these can be copies of the originals and even packaged with toxic materials.

When it comes to buying toys for your dog, remember that they should like them not you. So choose with dog eyes and check that in addition to relieving the dog’s stress, they also serve to stimulate it positively.

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