From Feathers You Can Tell If A Bird Is Sick

From the feathers you can tell if a bird is sick

Because of their softness, bright colors and because they allow you to fly, bird feathers have always been an object of curiosity for humans. And it is precisely the plumage, the characteristic that distinguishes birds from all other living beings. Few people know, however, that thanks to the feathers it is possible to understand if a bird is well or if it suffers from some disease.

In this article we will explain how to check the health of your pet bird, based on the state of the plumage. But first, we want to delve into what function feathers actually perform.

What are feathers?

Feathers are the element that differentiates birds from other animals. They are configured by a structure (the pen) that emerges from the skin. Thousands of years ago, some reptile scales began to evolve, losing weight and detaching from the body. This is demonstrated by the fact that both scales and feathers are composed of the same organic substance, keratin.

Characteristic functions

Feathers and feathers initially emerged to control body temperature. A function that is still performed very well today. But as you well know, they have increased their functions. Among the most important it is worth mentioning:

blue tit beak seeds

  • Camouflage : This is an important function of feathers in birds. It allows them to adapt to the environment and avoid being devoured by other animals. In opposite cases, it serves instead to attract possible prey.
  • Reproduction. In some types of birds they serve as a courtship element for mating.
  • Water Transport : Some birds bathe the feathers of their breasts to transport water and give the chicks to drink in the nest.
  • They muffle the sound so they can hunt more quietly. This happens with birds that seek prey at night.
  • Sensitivity: Although the feathers themselves are devoid of nerves, they give a stimulus to the nerve area of ​​the skin that surrounds them.
  • Buoyancy : Birds such as ducks, for example, can float using the air trapped between their feathers.
  • Weather protection : Keratin, a substance from which feathers are made, is able to resist water and wear caused by wind or sun. Feathers are also an insulator against the cold when birds get wet.
  • Flight : due to their firmness and rigidity, they allow birds to fly.

The state of the feathers reveals any diseases

If you have one or more domestic birds, you should check the plumage status of your bird friend every day. You have to be good at detecting possible changes because the health of these animals is reflected in the appearance of the feathers. Generally, these changes are generated due to a genetic, pathological or stress disorder .

Changes in the color, stiffness and brightness of the feathers are manifestations that something is wrong with the bird. This also applies to the beak and eyes.

There are several anomalous events that can be detected in a bird by observing the changes in its plumage. Among the best known we can mention:

False wetsuit

Normally a bird changes its plumage two to three times a year. However, when the temperature is higher than usual, birds renew their plumage randomly. In these cases it is recommended to move the bird to a cooler place.


The bird ends up getting even serious injuries by itself, scratching itself obsessively. This strange behavior is due to the existence of parasites or to the accumulation of anxiety and stress. It is very unpleasant for the birds who suffer from it. It is recommended that you visit your vet who will likely apply external deworming treatment.

Chrysanthemum disease

The growth of feathers stops abruptly. It is a congenital phenomenon.

Follicular cyst

Although it cannot be cured, it can be treated with surgery. A follicular cyst arises when feathers, instead of growing out of the skin, grow inward.


This disease is recognized by the appearance of small red spots on the wings. Parakeets usually suffer from this. It generates loss of appetite and depression. If the bird is young, the disease is likely to be lethal.

a colorful bird resting on a perch


It is an aggressive disease that causes the bird’s feathers to fall out. Bacteria are the main cause of this dangerous disease. If not detected and treated in time, the infected bird is in danger of dying.

General recommendations

As you have seen, it can be easily concluded that by  observing the feathers it  is possible to check the health of the birds and recognize the presence of any diseases. It is good to remember that birds are very sensitive animals and can be easily stressed and therefore get sick more frequently than other pets.

Even a bad diet can favor the appearance of disorders which then, inevitably, will affect the appearance and texture of the feathers.

It is important to keep constant supervision of the bird’s appearance. Feathers reveal the presence of diseases and this is the best tool to be warned of something wrong. If there is any change, do not waste time and go to the vet immediately . The specialist will certify the presence of any anomalies and, of course, will be able to prescribe the quickest and most effective treatment for your pet  . The animal will recover and also its plumage will return to being as beautiful and strong as before.

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