How To Choose The Brush To Comb Your Dog

How to choose the brush to comb your dog

Brushing your furry friend is not just a necessary action to take care of his fur. It can become a time to deepen your relationship, making your pet calm and relaxed. But sometimes it can become a nightmare for both of you if you yank their fur and hurt them. To avoid these inconveniences, the secret lies in choosing the right brush to comb it.

Find out which brush is right for your dog

Just as not all combs are suitable for your hair, not all brushes are suitable for all dogs. You will have to choose the right brush according to the characteristics of your little friend’s coat. This is because it is not the same to comb an animal with long, wavy hair or an animal with short, smooth hair.

mistress brush dog cream color

Below we recommend the most suitable brush for your dog, to show him a healthy and shiny coat, but also to guarantee him a serene and pleasant combing session .

Remember that, although it may seem like a minor issue, any doubts you have on the subject, you can and should consult a veterinarian.

The best options for combing your short-haired dog

If your dog has short hair, you will need to use a rubber bristle brush or glove, just to get rid of excess hair without hurting the skin or pulling off too much hair.

You have to consider that, in this case, two or three weekly combing sessions – taking into account the amount of hair it sheds – are sufficient, since it does not accumulate a lot of dirt and will not have knots.

Short-haired breeds are considered, for example:

  • Chihuahua
  • Dalamata
  • Boxer
  • Doberman

The right brush for a long-haired dog

Long-haired dogs are, of course, the ones that require the most attention when it comes to grooming. The accumulation of dirt, knots and the loss of a large amount of hair are the order of the day. For this, you will have to comb your dog daily.

If your pet has delicate skin – as does Yorkshire – the ideal is to use a two-way brush. First you should use the side with the rounded bristles to untie knots and remove dead hair. Then, the side with the hard bristles, to obtain shine and softness.

In the case of animals with thicker and less sensitive skin, a wire-tipped brush can be used first.

The best option if your dog has intermediate coat

There are also dogs with intermediate coat. For instance:

  • German Shepherd
  • Border Collie
  • Golden Retriver

In these cases, you should subject the pet to a minimum of four grooming sessions per week with a fine, very dense wire-bristled brush.

This object is ideal for removing all the dead hair that these dogs accumulate, which is usually a lot. This way you will have a hairless home and reduce possible allergic episodes.

What brush to use with a curly-haired dog?

Maltese with long hair

If your dog has curly and very thick hair, you will need a special comb with thick and separate metal tips to be able to untie the knots without hurting them and avoiding their future formation.

Dogs such as Poodles or Bichon Frisé  need to be brushed daily to maintain a clean, strong and healthy coat.

Although they are animals that do not shed much hair, they are characterized by the large amount of knots and, moreover, by the accumulation of mud, sand and other substances that stick to their fur when they go out for a walk.

A well-groomed and happy dog

Surely, using the right brush, the hairstyle will become a pleasant and relaxing moment for your furry friend. So while you make sure you remove the dirt, dead hair and untie the knots, your dog will be relaxed, content and will not be tugged on the skin.

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