How Do Dogs Express Their Love For Us?

How do dogs express their love for us?

If you have a dog and you love him madly, you will surely also believe that your affection is reciprocated. However, a question may arise: how does my dog ​​tell me he loves me? Today we are going to tell you about some ways in which dogs show the affection they feel for their owners.

The secret of love between dogs and people lies in the eyes


There are many people who believe that their animals are almost human creatures, to the point that they just miss the word. However, just like people, animals can use a variety of tricks to express themselves.

It is not strange to hear phrases such as “my dog ​​tells me he loves me with his eyes” or “my four-legged friend looks at me in a special way”.

Well, according to what some recent research has proven, the particular relationship based on love that has been consolidated over the centuries between dogs and humans is largely due to the eye contact that is established between them.

When a man and his dog look at each other, they produce high levels of oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone”. This generates a strengthening of mutual trust and emotional connection between the two different species.

In what other ways does my dog ​​tell me I love you?

Still, the look isn’t the only way a dog can show his love. Often their way of showing affection does not coincide with those adopted by man, but it is right that it should be so. They belong to another species, and we are not the center of the universe.

Here are some examples:

  • Moving the tail.

It means he is very happy to see you.

  • Licking your face.

When the dog licks your face, it is as if he is giving you a kiss or a caress, as a sign of affection or greeting. Furthermore, in this way the dog will be able to interpret your mood and will try to comfort you if he notices you distressed or worried.

  • Throwing himself on the ground on his stomach and allowing you to caress his belly.

It is not only a sign of submission, but it is also a show of trust.

Other attitudes that will give you the certainty that your pet loves you

If your pet behaves in these ways, rest assured that the affection he feels for you should not be questioned:

  • He does not move away from you for a moment  when he notices that you are sick or depressed.
  • He loves to lie on the ground next to you to sleep, just as he would his packmates.
  • It yawns when you do it, just as it happens to “infect” the yawn to other people.
  • He offers you his favorite toy, not only to ask you to play with him, but to try to please you by giving you the object he cares about the most.

Excess canine love

There are some attitudes that, although they seem like simple displays of affection, could actually turn out to be symptoms of some problem – such as anxiety or excessive attachment – especially when they become excessive. Eg:

  • He’s partying you and bouncing like crazy when you get home, even if you’ve only been away for five minutes.
  • He chases you all over the house, never breaking away.
  • He wants to sleep next to you, especially  on your bed.

    In such cases, you may want to consult your veterinarian or an expert in animal behavior for advice on what to do to overcome these situations.

    The more care you give him, the more he will love you


    It is never too much to remember that if you love your dog as much as he loves you, cuddling and caressing will not be enough to prove it to him. It is here that the word responsibility returns to play a fundamental role. So always pay attention to:

    • Socialization
    • Education
    • Vaccines
    • Disinfestation of parasites
    • Periodic veterinary checks
    • Walks and play sessions
    • Adequate nutrition for weight, size and age
    • Comfortable and clean space for your rest
    • Toys and accessories

    Does this seem like a long list? We could go on even more. But there is no doubt about one thing: the more care you reserve for your dog, the greater will be his gratitude and affection.

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