A Dog Makes Us Suffer Only When It Dies

A dog only makes us suffer when it dies

When you adopt a dog for the first time, you don’t have the slightest idea of ​​the intensity of the love you will feel for him. Even if at first glance it would not seem like it, the choice of a dog is never accidental: when we choose one, it is because we have felt a special connection with him. Maybe we were conquered by his gaze or he made a movement that made us fall in love, or maybe he responded unexpectedly to our caress, stealing our heart.

Home for the first time 


When you arrive home with the new puppy – who all along the journey has done nothing but look around curiously – you will take the animal out of the carrier, and he will look at you intently. At this point it is impossible not to ask: what now? Now a new responsibility will present itself to you, but also a new friend for life. Here you start walking and your puppy follows you everywhere.

It is always annoying when people follow us, even if they are friends or family; but in this case it is not of any disturbance, in fact, it even looks funny. You feel important because you realize that the new guest is so helpless that he needs to have you around to feel safe.

And here it occurs to you that maybe you should give him a drink, and maybe even some food. Luckily you bought everything in the shop before you came home! And finally one of the many occasions when your dog will make you feel happy presents itself: his cheerfulness as a sign of gratitude for giving him food.

You try to move away to make him eat quietly, but he looks at you, he doesn’t want you to leave him alone. He comes to meet you, the only thing you can do is stay next to him. You always believed that an animal shouldn’t get on the bed or sofa, but when you lie down to watch television and your new friend whimpers for petting, you can’t resist. Here comes the idea of ​​placing it on your lap, rather than on the sofa: great excuse!

Days go by

The days go by, one after the other, and a special bond begins to form between you and your dog, to the point that you seem to be able to understand each other with a glance. Love when your puppy notices you are up and runs to greet you. Sometimes it is a bit annoying, but then its sweetness, its tenderness and its love convince you.

You love it when he insists on making you eat in a hurry so that you can take him for a walk before going to work. He jumps like crazy when he sees you take the leash! A spontaneous smile escapes you immediately. When you are finally on the street, he walks beside you almost gallantly, as if he were anxious to show everyone how happy he is to have you as masters, or rather as friends.

And when do you get home from work? In the morning you are always a little sad when you leave, knowing that he will be alone in the house. You know he will be okay, and yet, as the years go by, you continue to feel bad when you leave him alone.

But when you come home, when you hear from the elevator its paws running to the door, its nose sniffing from under the crack and some whimpering, you can only want the elevator to accelerate, to be able to get home and embrace the your puppy. “Quiet, here I am” you tell him.

He doesn’t seem to understand you because he keeps jumping like crazy, non-stop. And it is in this moment that we feel loved and grateful.

Finally, one day …


Author: LuAnn Snawder Photography

One day like any other, you get up and sit on the sofa. Your little animal comes to greet you, asks you to take it for a walk. You smile thinking about when you wanted to teach him to sit and he looked at you without understanding or when you threw the ball at him and he returned it to you, only after forcing you to run after him for a long way.

You remember the first time you brought him home – he was so scared. That time you got sick and he didn’t leave your bed for a second. How he barked at every noise when he rushed to your defense or when someone bumped into you as a joke, and he tried to bite him.

Yes, looking over your shoulder, you can only see the good times spent with your dog. Indeed, if you could go back, you would not choose another one, because life without him would not be the same.

It is at this point that you look down, but your faithful friend is not there. It was your imagination that made you navigate the calm sea of ​​your memories. And here is a difficult, but luminous truth: a dog makes us suffer only when it dies.

Wherever you are friends, thank you for making me happy.

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