Prevost’s Squirrel: Nutrition And Habitat

Prevost’s squirrel is a rodent famous for the beautiful color of its fur.
Prevost's squirrel: nutrition and habitat

Also known as ‘magnificent squirrels’ or ‘tricolor’, Prevost’s squirrels belong to a large family of 300 subspecies. Read on to find out everything there is to know about Prevost’s squirrel.

Characteristics, almientation and habitat of the Prevost squirrel

The tricolor squirrel, whose scientific name is Callosciurus prevostii, is a rodent belonging to the Sciuridae family.

It lives in the forests of Southeast Asia and can be found in the peninsulas of Thailand and Malaysia, as well as in Borneo, Sumatra and the smaller islands of the region. There is also a large family of these squirrels introduced by man to the island of Celebes (Indonesia).

As for nutrition, Prevost’s squirrel has a very varied diet consisting of fruit, nuts, seeds, buds, flowers, insects and even small bird eggs. It also integrates it with fruits like durian or Graviola.

Prevost's squirrel climbing a tree.

They are solitary animals and build their nests in trees using plant matter. During the fertilization season the female can give birth to one to five cubs.

Another interesting feature of the Prevost squirrel is that it is one of the most colorful mammals in the world, especially the subspecies that lives on the Thai and Malay peninsula. Although the back and tail are black, in fact, the belly and lower areas of the body are covered with orange, red and white fur.

Prevost’s squirrel family

Within this large family of colorful rodents known as Callosciurus we find 15 species and 300 subspecies.

They all live in Southeast Asia, preferably in woods and tropical forests, although they can also be seen in city parks or gardens. The dimensions do not vary: no species exceeds 25 centimeters in length, in addition to the 25 centimeters of the tail.

In addition to the Prevost squirrel, there are other species worth mentioning belonging to the Callosciurus family .

1. Variable squirrel

Its scientific name is Callosciurus Finlaysonii and is widely diffused in Indochina, specifically in Burma, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand. Furthermore, it has been introduced in Italy and prefers forests, open woods and plantations.

Squirrel eats an acorn on a meadow.

It is an arboreal species with diurnal habits, and feeds on fruit and seeds. In times of scarcity it gnaws the bark of conifers or deciduous trees, causing significant damage.

The variable squirrel is reddish in color with cream undertones on the belly, measures about 22cm and has a 24cm tail. It weighs a maximum of 250 grams.

2. Eastern squirrel

Also known as the banana squirrel ( Callosciurus notatus) , it is found in Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia. It can inhabit mangrove swamps, woods, parks and gardens and even the countryside, becoming a plague for farmers.

Specimen of eastern squirrel falls down a tree.

The eastern squirrel measures a maximum of 30 centimeters with another 30 centimeters of tail, and spends most of its time in trees: it moves from one to the other with great jumps. It feeds on leaves, fruit, insects and bird eggs. He is able to consume fruits larger than himself, such as coconut or mango.

3. Pallas’s squirrel

This rodent, whose scientific name is Callosciurus erythraeus , is native to India, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indochina and Malacca. Since the 1970s it has also been introduced in Argentina, while the European Union considers it an invasive species that causes serious concern.

Pallas squirrel specimen.

All the Prevost squirrel family have brightly colored fur, but they are also masters of tree camouflage.

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