Dogs Of French Origin: The Best 7 Breeds

Dogs of French origin: the best 7 breeds

Over the course of history, more than 40 races have emerged from the Gallic lands . In this article we talk about dogs of French origin. Many of them are internationally famous and others, even today, are specially chosen by the farmers of the transalpine country.

What are the most beautiful dog breeds in France?

If we count all the canids born in France, the total count reaches 43 races. This country is one of the greatest chiens creators in the world. Let’s see together, then, the best 7 dog breeds of French origin:

a french bulldog puppy plays on the parquet

1. Giant dachshund

It is part of the hound group and is characterized by its short legs, elongated body, and drooping ears that can touch the ground. It was created for hunting hares, foxes and deer and emerged from the cross between a Belgian Bloodhound (Dog of St. Hubert) and a dog of English origin. It is a very calm and gentle dog , a little stubborn but very affectionate and playful. He gets along very well with children and loves to sleep and eat. You will have to be the one to push him to go out and play sports, which is essential to avoid being overweight.

2. Dogue de Bordeaux

The second type of dog originating in France, belonging to the mastiff family . The Dogo de Bordeaux is big and powerful, but at the same time it has a firm and determined character. He is undoubtedly an excellent watchdog.

In ancient times it was used for hunting large animals and for fighting (both are activities, thankfully, prohibited nowadays). As for his temperament, we can point out that he is very attached to the family and rather affectionate. He suffers a lot when alone (he can become aggressive).

3. French Bulldog

The first examples appeared at the end of the 19th century, after the English Bulldogs arrived in France at the end of the industrial revolution. It is a small but very muscular and strong molosser. One of the main features of its appearance are the “bat” ears, ie pointed and forward.

In addition, it has a short muzzle and folds in the face. The character of this animal is: sociable, playful, attentive and cheerful. He can live in an apartment without any problems, but requires daily physical activity.

4. Poodle

The Poodle is another of the most popular dogs of French origin. It appeared during the 15th century as a pet for nobles and aristocrats. Later it was used as a water dog, recovering hunted prey that fell into lakes or rivers. Currently it stands out for its beauty and elegance. There are four types of poodles: toy, miniature, medium and large. They are very playful and active, energetic and intelligent but easily distracted.

poodle runs outdoors

5. Pyrenean mountain dog

This breed is included within the group of shepherd dogs  and is used for surveillance, particularly in the mountainous area of ​​the Pyrenees. There are two varieties: long-haired and smooth-faced. It is a very agile and bold animal that is not afraid to attack a wolf or a bear if necessary. In addition, it is characterized by its independence ( difficult to train ), its adorable appearance (with the typical white fur with double layer of hair) and drooping ears. The Pyrenean Shepherd is medium in size and has thin bones.

6. Griffon bleu de Gascogne

It is a dog breed from France of the hound type and native to the Gascony region (southwest of the country). It is used to hunt small prey, has spotted and coarse fur, drooping ears, and a high, curled tail. It is a cross between the Bleu de Gascogne and the Griffon Nervais. He is always on the alert and is probably the least known dog outside of France.

7. Papillon

Another of the dogs of French origin, linked to the  noble class  of the eighteenth century. It owes its name to Queen Marie Antoinette who loved to walk one of these animals, called “Petit papillon”. It is of the Spaniel type and has butterfly-like, open, upright ears. They are usually white with black or reddish spots. It is a very loyal dog , quite active, with an elegant and soft coat. Additionally, the Papillon is easy to train but needs a lot of company from childhood.

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