From Argentina To Africa: Story Of The Elephant Doctor

From Argentina to Africa: the story of the elephant doctor

This is the story of Nicolás Davio, a young Argentine veterinarian who went to Africa to treat elephants. Born in Baradero, a town in the province of Buenos Aires, and graduated in Veterinary Sciences, with a gold medal for the best grade, at the Universidad de La Plata, at the age of thirty-seven he left the operating room where he operated dogs and cats and took a flight with destination Kenya.

Lions and elephants: from dream to reality


Davio says that, as a child, he dreamed of taking care of lions on the African continent. Eventually he found himself caring for elephants who were victims of stealth hunting and the ivory trade.

To be able to fulfill his dream, Davio had to wait five hours a day, for two long weeks, in front of the office of the director of the Veterinary Area of ​​the Kenya Wildlife Service, who did not trust the intentions of a white Argentine. and, what’s more, blond.

Eventually, the director decided to give him a chance and Davio had the opportunity to spend two months in Tsavo National Park, which covers an area of ​​250,000 hectares, where 12,000 elephants live.

Nicolás Davio, a young Argentine veterinarian who went to Africa to care for the elephants who were victims of stealth hunting and the ivory trade.

Caring for elephants: an experience

Davio carried out the duties of “country” veterinarian, and also took care of the reception service for those specimens that, due to stealth hunting, are injured or orphaned.

Due to the illegal ivory trade, these animals suffer a violent and cruel death, usually at the hands of locals who, in exchange for an often meager compensation, willingly get rid of these pachyderms, which usually destroy their crops.

The most dramatic consequences affect the baby elephants, since they remain traumatized and dejected, after having witnessed the violent deaths of their mothers.

The efforts of the young Argentine veterinarian focused on them. Thanks to the zeal shown in his work, Davio received a recommendation from the director general of the Wildlife Service, which allowed him to continue to collaborate permanently with the  Kenya Wildlife Service , the state body responsible for the management of the parks and the protection of fauna and flora. wild.

Elephants, victims of a cruel trade

According to statistics, every quarter of an hour, on the African continent, an elephant is killed, to obtain the precious ivory of its incisors, erroneously called tusks. And although these animals have been present on earth for more than 60 million years, they are in danger of becoming extinct in 2025 if this massacre is not curbed.

Elephants are the victims of stealth hunters who are dedicated to supplying an ever-increasing market, which requires ivory to satisfy the new Asian bourgeoisie, despite the strict worldwide prohibition of using this type of material.

It is estimated that the illegal ivory that can be seized is only part of the entire volume involved in the smuggling. Furthermore, in recent times, there has been an increase in material requirement.

Uses of ivory

Ivory is a highly valued material in countries such as China. It is generally used in the processing of:

  • Bracelets
  • Jewel case
  • Table utensils
  • Ornamental figures
  • Piano keys
  • Domino tiles and chess pieces
  • Figurines
  • Brush handles

In defense of elephants

elephants in the savannah

Year after year, governments and associations, both public and private, are mobilizing, making funds available and promoting campaigns to try to put an end to the slaughter of elephants and groped to raise awareness, in particular, Chinese and Vietnamese society, the most responsible of the huge demand for ivory.

However, despite the efforts of these institutions, combined with the work of various professionals and volunteers, these seven-ton giants with an iron memory continue to be victims of human vanity, a fate they share with other equally endangered species.

This is how these innocent creatures are murdered, in order to exploit their skins or their horns, which would have aphrodisiac properties. Or perhaps to be displayed as trophies, by hunters who kill with impunity and then say it is a sport.

In contrast, there is the silent work of many animal lovers who, like Davio, give their best to try to curb and change this truly painful situation.

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