Train The Dog’s Mind And Develop Its Intelligence

Outings in the open air are essential to stimulate the sensory, cognitive and social skills of your four-legged friend.
Train the dog's mind and develop its intelligence

Do you know how to train the dog’s mind and develop its intelligence? Dogs are sensitive and intelligent animals by nature, capable of learning a wide variety of commands, tricks and activities of different kinds.

However, like humans, they must be trained, educated and stimulated in order to develop their cognitive, emotional and social potential. In this article we will reveal some tricks to train the dog’s mind.

Discovering the outside world

Dogs, like us, use their senses to perceive and understand their environment. Each time they walk, these formidable pets “discover” a whole world of stimuli and sensations.

They interact not only with the environment, but also with other animals and people, which allows them to develop a high degree of socialization.

Therefore, going out in the fresh air is essential to stimulate the sensory, cognitive and social abilities of your four-legged friend.

In addition to helping him keep fit and avoid many degenerative diseases.

Stimulate the intelligence of the dog with training

Training is the most comprehensive exercise a dog can receive. By teaching basic obedience commands, you will  stimulate your best friend to learn and memorize words, movements, and perform various tasks.

Furthermore, this knowledge will be essential to respect the house rules and to know how to live together, without problems.

Toys to stimulate the intelligence of the dog inside the house

As mentioned, physical activity is essential for maintaining your dog’s mental and body health.

But we can also stimulate the dog’s mind and intelligence without leaving the house, with toys that will keep him busy even when you are not there.

Beagle plays with a red ball inside the house

In the shops you will find many interactive toys that allow your furry friends to exercise their sensory and cognitive skills.

In addition to helping you train them, these accessories also fight the symptoms of stress , boredom and separation anxiety.

There are many studies showing that such pastimes are excellent allies for the mental stimulation of pets.

Let’s see the four most suitable toys to train your dog’s intelligence:

1. The game of TIC TAC

This intelligence game has now become a classic and there are versions with different names available on the market. It is a tablet with revolving door openings in its upper part.

When the dog presses with his paw, correctly, on one of these doors, a crack will open on the side with a delicious treat : generally a crunchy or another snack .

The goal is to make the dog understand, memorize and perform a certain task, which will receive a snack in return. It may sound simple, but it is very beneficial for your pet. For these reasons:

  • First of all, this game allows you to keep the dog active and entertained in your absence.
  • Secondly, it helps regulate the eating habits of dogs that eat too fast and have digestive problems.
  • It also stimulates the sense of smell, so it is highly recommended in the early stages of your pet’s life.

2. Kong to train the dog’s mind

This simple game is very useful for training your dog’s intelligence and preventing separation anxiety. It also helps teach him healthier eating habits, preventing him from eating too fast and swallowing too much air.

Mistress kisses her dog during a game

Before offering a Kong to your dog, you will need to put some food or treats inside the interior space that this toy presents. The goal is for the animal to “find out” how to get food from inside the toy and to earn its own reward.

Being a safe accessory, you can leave it within reach of the dog even when you are away from home.

In fact, this type of pastime was designed primarily for pets who are forced to spend many hours alone, and will help them keep mentally active.

3. Bionic toys for energetic dogs

Bionic toys employ mechanical and engineering techniques to simulate the movements of a living being.

They are a great “company” for those pets who have no one to play with. Their materials are usually flexible and resistant to bites.

There are many different formats and proposals in the field of bionic toys for dogs. The ideal is to choose an object suitable for the size and age of your pet.

4. The cube-ball to train the dog’s mind

The game logic of the “cube-ball” is very similar to that of the aforementioned Kong. The goal is for the dog to find out how to remove the ball hidden inside the cube. This activity is incredibly fun and stimulating for the dogs mind.

While these toys and activities may seem simple, they are real challenges for dogs. They will allow to train the dog’s mind and improve its cognitive abilities.

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