How To Take Care Of The Angora Cat’s Fur

Due to the abundant coat of this feline, it must be brushed every day because, otherwise, knots will form, which are then very difficult to untangle.
How to take care of the Angora cat's coat

Do you know how to take care of the Angora cat’s fur? A feature that catches the eye in the Angora cat is undoubtedly its fur, soft, thick and which always seems to have just come out of the hairdresser.

The coat of our animals requires care ranging from the use of specific shampoos to daily brushing. But how to take care of the Angora cat’s fur?

The Angora cat

This cat comes from the Turkish city of Ankara and is characterized by a long soft coat that resembles the most exclusive wool. It is usually white or black in color, although further variations have been allowed over time and we can find gray, brown and mixed specimens.

It is of medium size and, although it has small legs, its body is long and slender, which gives this breed elegance.

Some specimens have eyes of two different colors, a phenomenon still without scientific explanation, but which makes them even more beautiful.

Angora cat with different colored eyes

How to take care of the Angora cat’s coat

If we want the beauty of our Angora cat to last over time, we must take care of its coat correctly. To do this, keep the following tips in mind:


It is said that we are what we eat ; and yes, nutrition greatly affects our outward appearance. This principle can also be applied to our animals.

For this reason, to take care of the Angora cat’s coat and keep it healthy, bright and silky, it is necessary to feed it with quality foods that provide it with all the nutrients its body needs.

In addition, in pet stores it is possible to find excellent quality feed with added elements that improve the health of the animal’s coat.

Although they are usually more expensive than traditional ones, they will be worth it in the long run, not only because the cat’s coat will be more beautiful, but because its health will also be better.


The Angora cat sheds its fur, not only in periods of moulting. Having a lot of hair that grows very quickly, the new hairs replace the older ones, which is why it always has hairs to be removed.

If other animals can be brushed a couple of times a week, the Angora cat should be brushed every day, even more than once if possible.

This operation will remove dead hair and strengthen new ones. Remember, however, that you should never brush against the grain.

Brushing it every day will also avoid the formation of knots, another typical problem of this cat’s coat. If they form and are abundant, there would be no other option than to cut it.

Persian and Angora cat


On several occasions we have told you that using shampoo to wash our four-legged friends is not good. Even less so in the case of the Angora cat’s so special fur. There are specific products for his coat, as well as conditioners and dirt repellents that will keep him clean for longer.

Remember that although cats have their own hygiene routine, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be bathed. However, do not do it more than necessary, which is about once a month.


You may be wondering what love has to do with the fur of the Angora cat. Well, they say that happiness is reflected on the outside, that the mood determines our image to others: a happy cat will also be beautiful.

You already know that having a pet is a responsibility to take on paying attention to the small details related to the necessary care, including fur.

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