Tellington Ttouch: The Method Against The Fear Of Barrels

The Tellington Ttouch method serves to instill confidence in dogs who are afraid of loud noises
Tellington Ttouch: the method against the fear of barrels

Perhaps you have heard of the Tellington Ttouch method and bandages for dogs who are afraid of barrels and fireworks or have seen some advertisements on social networks.

This article explains how the Tellington Ttouch method works.

Dogs who are afraid of barrels

There are many dogs who are afraid of bangs, as well as storms and loud noises. The most common symptoms are tremor, barking and refusal to leave the house. Dogs with this type of fear can live really badly.

Firecrackers, fireworks and thunderstorms are phenomena that cannot be controlled: it is not possible to predict when they will occur, in order to prevent the dog from being exposed to what scares him.

Firecrackers are often detonated in the street and dog owners, caught off guard, cannot do anything. Some dogs start running, drift away and sometimes get lost.

To avoid this, various methods have been developed to cope with the fear of barrels: pills, syrups, therapies based on positive reinforcement.

The Tellington Ttouch method, usually indicated for anxious dogs, also offers a possible solution to this problem.

The Tellington Ttouch method

The Tellington Ttouch method goes far beyond using bandages for dogs who are afraid of bangs.

Specifically, it aims to calm nervous dogs, teach them to walk on a leash without pulling, relieve joint pain, speed up recovery after an operation, and more.

Ttouch tellington method

For each problem a specific technique has been designed that helps to solve it. The different techniques include massaging the dog, a specific way of positioning the leash during the walk and the famous bandages.

The method indicates how to wrap the dog with gauze or a bandage in order to give him confidence in moments when he experiences fear.

The creators of the method assure that the bandage improves the blood circulation of the frightened animals; thanks to the greater physical well-being, the dog is able to face fear  and better tolerate thunderstorms or fireworks.

The reality about the fear of bangs and loud noises

However, the Tellington Ttouch method does not examine the cause of the dog being afraid of loud noises.

Fear can be caused by a bad experience, excessive stress, physical discomfort, the owner’s reaction to the alarm signal, etc. According to this method, the improvement of the physical well-being of the animal would be sufficient to overcome the fear.

But to truly overcome a fear, in dogs as in humans, one cannot generalize too much: each individual experiences fear in a different way and there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

This method, on the other hand, does exactly that: it applies the same solution to different and complex problems.

Each dog finds comfort in fear in its own way : some prefer to hide in a secluded place, others seek caresses and contact with their master, while still others relax by walking and moving.

In addition, many behaviors that appear to be signs of fear are only an outlet for stress.

Bandages for dogs

These techniques, therefore, do not take into account the specific needs of each dog.

Therefore, if well applied, the Tellington Ttouch method could be effective on a low percentage of dogs who, in fact, need a small improvement in physical well-being and who tolerate being stroked when they feel fear.

Also, to be effective, the bandage must be done by a qualified person. Almost no owner will be able to properly bandage the dog with the only help of a guide found online.

Furthermore, the method completely neglects the other variables and needs that most animals present in these delicate moments.

So the dog is not helped and you do not work with him to solve the problem.

There are solutions for the fear of bangs and thunderstorms, as well as for many other canine phobias. But since each case is unique, the treatment must also be unique.

Only an experienced dog educator can treat dog fears. In very few cases the solution to the fear of bangs is as simple as applying a bandage.

The situation should never be taken for granted: many factors come into play and the dog will only be able to face his fears with a treatment that suits him.

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