Reasons Why A Dog Can Become Aggressive

Reasons why a dog can become aggressive

Aggression in dogs is a problem that scares many people. Whether small or large,  an aggressive dog is unpredictable, and in many cases dangerous. Here are some of the reasons why a dog can become violent.

Why can a dog become aggressive?

Discovering the causes for which a dog is aggressive is very important in order to try to resolve this behavior. It is important to turn to professionals, as wrong treatment can only make the problem worse. The information on the behavior and personality of their pet that owners provide to canine educators is essential.


Fear is one of the main reasons a dog can become aggressive. Usually, an animal is exposed every day to something that scares it and from which it cannot escape, but  if it finds that if it acts aggressively it will be able to make this fear disappear, it will be a problem.

aggressive dog in the kennel

Avoid situations that can scare them. Changing their walking routes or schedules will improve their quality of life and how they react.

Pull on the leash

The way a person pulls the leash often lies behind the dogs’ unpleasant reactions. Many encounters between a dog and a fellow dog lead to a quarrel because one of the two feels a jerk in the neck that makes him react with exaggeration.

The leash is a very strong element of communication. Through this tranquility, haste or worry is conveyed. 

In addition, some types of collars can also cause problems for dogs. For example, the ones with studs cause them pain. If every time a child or a bicycle appears, the animal feels these metal spikes in the neck, it will begin to move forward to ward off the pain before feeling it.

dog tied to the chain

This relationship is one of the basic laws of learning formulated by Pavlov, and it  is classical conditioning. To solve the problem it is necessary to get rid of this type of collars, which cause pain, and learn to use the leash without tugging.

Asset protection

Resource protection is the aggression that a dog displays to protect something that it considers valuable or essential. Dogs that show their teeth or growl while they are eating do so to defend food, for example.

However, this does not only happen with food,  but also with the place where they rest, with games, and even with one’s family. These are all resources that trigger these reactions.

To treat this problem,  the animal must understand that it is not necessary for it to protect the food and the place where it sleeps. Confidence is essential to overcome this disorder.

Pain or illness

Aggression in a dog can be a symptom of pain or discomfort:  the animal will avoid contact with its peers or with the owner so as not to feel pain if it is touched. Hormonal imbalances can also trigger this behavior.

dog growling in the snow

For this, it  is necessary to go to a veterinarian to rule out a physical cause. Similarly, after the age of 7, joint pains or hip dysplasia may appear.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose a physical cause to justify the aggression and then propose a treatment  to make this discomfort go away. It is important to contact professionals to solve this problem which is of great concern. 

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