Pets At The Wedding: Yes Or No?

Pets at the wedding: yes or no?

More and more people – both couples and singles  – see their cats and dogs as family members. So it’s not uncommon to see them attend major social events and get-togethers in their lives. Owners often decide to bring their pets to the wedding. It is a way to celebrate this fundamental stage of existence together. Let’s see in this article the pros and cons of bringing pets to  marriage. 

Bringing your pets to the wedding

As a first step, you have to take into account the personality of the animal and the type of party that will be held. This will help to understand if the pet will feel comfortable, or not, on the most important day for the couple.

The type of location is also crucial. Much better if engaged couples are getting married in a villa, on the beach or in an outdoor spot. It is also fashionable to bring pets to the wedding dressed for the occasion. That is, with garlands, flowers, veils or any other accessory.

But is all this good for your dog or cat? It is the first thing to think about, before deciding whether to share this party with them. If your pet isn’t docile, jealous and aggressive, and doesn’t like crowded places, this option should be discarded. Although his presence is very important for the couple.

Bridal couple with a dog in a meadow

Animals at the wedding: don’t leave anything to chance

You will also need to think about who will take care of your four-legged friend, as you will be very busy during the wedding. Between photos, dances, pleasantries and the cutting of the cake. Who will have to take care of the animal throughout the event? Weddings can last for many hours. And you cannot ‘use’ your dog, hold it on the altar and then ignore it completely.

Another very important issue, which can help you make the decision, is the animal’s temperament. For example, a Golden retriever is a more suitable breed than a poodle, since the former tends to be more calm and obedient. It all depends on the education you have given him. But you must not forget his intrinsic personality, the one he has had since he was born.

And what if there are many children at your wedding? There is no doubt that they will want to play with the guest of honor . And this could be a cause for problems. Some dogs don’t have too much patience with little boys and may show a violent attitude. Although, perhaps, it is a small specimen, they can be very stressed if they are constantly bothered by strangers.

All this without forgetting the fact that some guests may be allergic to the animal. Or, even worse, that an oversight could lead the dog to do his business everywhere, leaving unpleasant souvenirs all over the place. There are also  locations that do not allow the presence of animals, even if domestic, so you must inform yourself first with due attention.

Shift couple holds a chihuahua in her arms

What to do to bring your pets to the wedding?

After analyzing all the above issues, if you have decided to let your dog participate in one of the most important days of your life, we recommend that you keep these simple tips in mind:

1. You prefer safety to aesthetics

This means that if you want your pet to wear special clothes, you need to make sure that he feels comfortable and can move freely. What looks beautiful is not always the best or most comfortable option. In order not to complicate things, just put a small flower or a wreath on the collar.

2. Inform guests

While it’s nice to surprise everyone by showing up with your pet, guests need to know these kinds of details too. Especially if there are people who are allergic or who may be afraid of your dog. The risk, therefore, is to create considerable discomfort: better to avoid it.

3. Hire a  dog sitter

Since you won’t be able to take care of him all the time, it’s not fair to entrust your dog to a guest or to think that you can follow him while you are busy with the party. The best option, therefore, is to hire a person whose only job will be to look after the animal 100% of the time. It may seem like an eccentric choice, but it will solve many problems.

4. Ask for permission from the venue managers 

This is certainly a fundamental and mandatory step. First of all, in fact, you must make sure that the  location chosen to celebrate the wedding admits pets. It is very important to get this information in advance to avoid a sudden change in your plans. Even if they are outdoors, this does not mean that dogs are welcome.

5. Educate your pet

Last but not least, don’t forget to teach your dog how to behave, in order to avoid surprises on this special day. It is true that sometimes his behavior can be unpredictable, but if you educate him well in advance, he will be better prepared to spend many hours in a noisy, new place surrounded by people he does not know.

This also involves training him to carry out core activities of the event. Like, for example, if you want your dog to bring the rings to the altar. To be able to do this, you will have to start training it at least two months in advance, repeating the exercise every day.

In this way, everything will take place perfectly and without unexpected events.

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