Tips To Prevent Neighbors From Hating Your Dog

Tips to prevent neighbors from hating your dog

Even if you find it hard to understand how it is possible that your dog – who is now part of your family – can annoy someone, it is always preferable to put yourself in others’ shoes. This is why it is important that you take some precautions to prevent neighbors from hating your dog.

What behaviors of your dog can annoy the neighbors?

barking dog

Although there are people who are sensitive enough to get irritated when they hear a fly fly, it is also true that there are some behaviors of your dog that can be annoying, especially if you live in a condominium with many apartments. Find out how to prevent your dog from being hated due to attitudes such as:

  • Excessive barking, crying, howling.
  • Various noises (scratches on doors, dragging of objects, etc.).
  • Smell of pee or dog poop in the balcony or yard.

Furthermore, if your puppy is very sociable but the person who crosses him is not, there is a risk of creating a conflict in the common spaces such as the stairs, the elevators or the landing.

Some attitudes of your dog, especially excessive barking when left alone, can generate complaints from neighbors. You must therefore put yourself in others’ shoes and find solutions to these problems. Your puppy will thank you too.

Put yourself in others’ shoes and find solutions

So, before you argue with your neighbors and get to the point of making them hate your dog, you need to find solutions.

First, try to put yourself in the shoes of the person you perceive your puppy may be bothering you.

Imagine how you would feel if you worked at night and, when you come home destroyed and try to fall asleep, the dog in the apartment next door started barking and crying loudly because he was left alone.

Or what if, on the contrary, the puppy of the tenant of the upstairs apartment misses his mistress – who works in a hospital on night shifts – and starts dragging his bowl around the house or who knows what at three in the morning, without letting you sleep and with the 5 o’clock alarm ready to ring.

How to prevent neighbors from hating your dog

But how can we avoid behaviors such as barking, which are part of normalcy, but which lead the neighbors to hate your dog? The answer is: educating him and taking some precautions to minimize his sound expressions.

When a dog is left alone, it gets bored and, above all, misses its owner. From there to anguish it is a short step. In a moment the barking, the damage to the objects, the clawing on the doors, etc. begin. And with them also the complaints of the neighbors. To avoid this, here are some tips:

  • Walk your dog for a long time before leaving him alone to go to work. A tired dog will sleep for a long time and forget, at least for an extended period of time, to bark and break objects.
  • Leave some toys for him to entertain him when he wakes up. Those that hide an edible prize work very well.
  • Ask a family member or friend to visit him during the day so he doesn’t feel too lonely.


Other tips to make sure your dog doesn’t bother

Similarly, you will have to learn to juggle your puppy in the common areas of the building or on public streets.

Some people are afraid of dogs. And you have to respect them. If your puppy is very effusive and consequently jumps and parties to everyone, or is of a quiet disposition but of considerable size, it can come to intimidate your neighbors. It is advisable to always keep it on a leash when it is in common areas.

Also avoid letting your four-legged friend go to the neighbour’s door or break any plants in his garden. And don’t forget to collect his droppings.

Don’t forget to wash your yard or balcony well either. If the dog has done his business in your absence without you realizing it, it can generate unpleasant odors for the neighbor next door.

So, as you already know: patience, education, understanding. These are key words for maintaining a good climate of coexistence with your neighbors.

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