The Dog Rejected By All For His “grumpy” Expression

The dog rejected by everyone for his "grumpy" expression

Cornelio is a dog that for a long time was rejected by everyone because of his “grumpy” expression, without understanding that it was a disease. The deformation of his muzzle makes him always seem in a bad mood and, for this, he was rejected.

Nowadays Cornelio is very popular on social networks and receives love. His story takes place in Toronto, Canada.

Cornelio was the youngest of a litter .  Unfortunately, he was born with a genetic condition that deformed his face a bit. Because of this, his appearance always makes him appear moody, even when he sleeps.

Not only that, he was also born with leucism, a very rare condition. As with albinism, even with this pathology the pigmentation is equal to zero, that is, the animal seems to have no color, except that of its beautiful eyes.

Source: Mister Cornelius Facebook

Cornelius did not change with time and was rejected

As Cornelio grew up, everyone noticed that his little brothers enjoyed an optimal state of health, while he surprised, in the negative, and was thus rejected.

A few days after his recent adoption, Cornelio became a “star” of social networks. On Instagram, for example, he already has more than 2300 followers. Despite his illness, he sometimes seems to be smiling and that makes him even more handsome.

Common diseases among pugs

As with other breeds, Pugs also have diseases typical of their breed. They can suffer from respiratory problems due to their brachycephaly, which is when the bones of the skull are very small.

Other complications that can arise in this breed are: obstructive pulmonary syndrome, patella luxation, hip dysplasia, eye problems, etc. 

Physical appearance is not that important

When adopting a dog, it is always better to choose him for his character rather than his physical appearance. This latter figure should never generate rejection.  

If you go to a kennel or animal shelter, it is better to tell the operators what character you would like your new friend to have, rather than talking about his or her appearance.

Starting from the character of the animal, then, other variables can be taken into consideration. For example, the size (large, medium or small), the hair (short or long), type (Nordic, mastiff or podenco), etc.

A dog is not a fashionable accessory to show off with a certain outfit.  It is a living being with its own character, preferences and peculiarities, as well as its vital needs, including the need for affection. An affection that will be able to return in far greater quantities.

Care and cleaning

We must also remember that cleaning is necessary when we adopt an abandoned dog or a kennel.  After washing it, the initial rejection may pass. Even if it needs a good bath, a good brushing and minimal care, there will always be beauty in the eyes of an abandoned dog. There is always love and never resentment.

The benefits of adoption

Adoption is certainly a nobler action than buying a dog. Although when looking for an animal to adopt, we often opt for the most beautiful one, we must remember that even the less graceful have the right to be loved.

Take into account the expenses necessary to keep an animal

Source: Mister Cornelius Facebook

Especially during the first year of the pet’s life, there are many expenses to be taken into consideration.

These expenses include the purchase or adoption of the animal, which includes identification of the same through the microchip and registration in the animal registry. Thereafter, there is the possible sterilization, the purchase of all the necessary accessories, a carrier to carry it from one place to another, some toys, a collar and a leash in the case of dogs, a civil liability policy if the animal is large, etc.

Although it may seem like a non-repayable contribution, in reality all these expenses must be considered as an investment to be able to have an animal at home respecting all the legal procedures and guaranteeing it a healthy life.

When the dog is no longer a puppy, the expenses continue. We have to buy foods that are of good quality, take him to the vet every year to get him vaccinated and subjected to pesticide treatments, grooming, etc.

Responsibility is the most important factor when deciding to adopt and keep an animal. 

Source of the images: Facebook of Mister Cornelius

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