Why Do Whales Get Together?

Why do whales congregate?

Groups of humpback whales began appearing on South Africa’s west coast in the early 1990s, and since then, these strange gatherings have eerily increased year after year. But why do whales come together in groups? We will try to find out in this article.

Currently, there are more than 200 whales that spend several months a year in this small maritime region, the size of just three football fields. These “gatherings” of whales are truly extraordinary and inexplicable events. At least until a few years ago.

Let’s find out why whales congregate

The grouping of these Misticeti (cetaceans without teeth but provided with baleen) has finally been resolved, and the reason will surprise you for how simple it is. In this region there is a very high concentration of krill, the favorite food of most cetaceans. Here then explains why, dozens and dozens of whales love to go to the waves of these seas.

In just a few years this species has drastically changed its eating habits, which reminds us that whale gatherings are simply another example of animal culture.

Since whales are extremely intelligent and sensitive, they are believed to have family bonds similar to those of humans, or even more powerful. All this, added to their great memory, certainly makes it probable that they will be able to “make an appointment” to feast together, enjoying their beloved krill.

a diver photographs two whales swimming together

Changes in the behavior of whales

Whales usually gather in small groups and patrol tens of kilometers in search of food. However, these gatherings allow them to swim placidly as they feed, passing several times between schools of krill.

Scientists are clear that this phenomenon provides clues to how whales and other cetaceans communicate, as only an animal with a large communication system can organize a “reunion” with such a large number of members.

Discovering humpback whales

Behind the whale gatherings is a species known as the humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), a marine mammal that can reach 16 meters in length and 36 tons in weight.

Humpback whales are distributed throughout the seas of the planet. Normally, they migrate to polar waters in summer and to tropical areas to reproduce in winter, so they travel up to 25,000 kilometers.

Whales congregate in the sea

Man’s relationship with humpback whales

Like other cetaceans, humpback whales were hunted by humans, to the point that this splendid animal was on the verge of disappearance in the mid-20th century. Fortunately, this  dramatic situation has favored the development of important organizations which, for years, have been fighting in their defense. Today, the specimens in the wild are about 80,000.

While there is still a great deal to do, the world has changed in recent times and the ships approaching the congregating humpback whales are not whalers but tourist boats. One way to get to know these beautiful animals up close, with organized excursions especially in the countries of Latin America and in different parts of the United States and Australia, as well as South Africa.

Fortunately, every day science offers us more and more information about whales and their behaviors, which allows us to have a more positive relationship with these animals. We hope not to destroy them, neither directly by hunting but not even indirectly, due to pollution and climate change.

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