Discover 7 Mistakes In Dog Training

Discover 7 mistakes in dog training

We don’t do it on purpose and we always believe we are doing the best for our friend; however there are some mistakes in a dog’s education that bring more harm than good. It would be important to know them in order not to commit them starting today.

Frequent mistakes in a dog’s education

It doesn’t matter what the breed of our pet is or if we have had a dog before. We are usually always wrong about something when we educate him. Don’t worry, you are not the only one. It happened to everyone. We may think it is something good for the puppy, but it is not, and we are conveying negative messages. Pay attention to the typical mistakes in dog education.

1. Don’t say “no”


It sounds like a tongue twister but it’s the truth. If you are afraid of saying no to your pet or setting limits, you think that being too permissive will turn your dog into a disobedient, aggressive and potentially dangerous animal.  We’re not saying no to everything, but the dog must understand who’s boss (and that’s you, if you haven’t figured it out yet).

2. Always punish

What are we doing? Do we allow him to do what he wants or not? Well, neither one extreme nor the other. Punishment is one of many ways to let him know that he has misbehaved. Many veterinarians advise not to beat the animal, not even softly, as it is a meanness on the part of man. The dog would have the opportunity to defend itself and yet it does not do so out of respect for its owner You can do the same thing.

The punishment doesn’t have to be physical. Leaving him tied up, out of the house or without food are also among the most adopted solutions by many owners. However, the dog will not always understand what he has done wrong. In fact, after a few minutes he will have forgotten what happened: it will be useless to remind him that he destroyed a shoe two days after having committed the deed.

3. Make the dog decide

Dogs know nothing about democracy or animal rights. This does not mean that we must treat them badly, but that they must understand that it is the master who is in charge. You can consider him part of the family, but don’t let him choose what to eat, decide when to go out for a walk or sleep in your bed or his (we already know what he would decide to do). It is a mistake to let the dog take control of the situation.

4. Blame the dog

The responsibility for how the animal acts lies with the owner. We have to carve this sentence in our mind because it is one of the typical mistakes in dog education. If he pulls on the leash, bites the furniture, runs away or gets on the bed, it is because we have not educated him well or because we have not punished him effectively.

5. Give it human characteristics

The dog is not a child and it is not our son, not even a brother. It is not good to humanize our pet. Claiming that we will not castrate him because “he will no longer be a man” or that he is sad because he will never be able to be a mother are blatant examples of this attitude. Animals do not understand human behavior and do not know psychology. They have very basic feelings. It is necessary to treat the dog like the animal it is.


6. Being too loving

Another typical mistake in dog education is being too protective of him and giving him more love than he needs. Of course, he will always enjoy receiving a caress or a show of affection, but you shouldn’t overdo it. The dog needs balance at all times. He deserves it, a caress is welcome, but it also takes some discipline.

7. Feeding him continuously

A dog is always hungry. We must always be clear about this. It doesn’t matter if he just ate or not. In addition, he usually uses very effective strategies to ask us for more food.

For example, while we’re cooking or dining, he’ll sit next to us and make that cute little face that softens us to get what he wants. We must resist the temptation to overfeed them or to give them treats and treats for no reason whatsoever.  If we do that, when he really gets a reward, he won’t understand the message.

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