Precautions For Taking The Dog To The Hospital

Taking your dog to the hospital can be no easy feat, due to the stress or fear that the animal feels subjected to. However, there are some simple instructions to calm him down and make him feel safe.
Precautions for taking the dog to the hospital

If it seems to you that taking your dog to the hospital is not easy, there are some tricks and techniques that can improve this experience and avoid trauma in the future.

Let’s find out the secrets to bring the dog to the hospital without problems.

How to take the dog to the hospital?

One of the most stressful events for an animal is going to the vet. Completely understandable, considering that he goes there to be examined, to receive stings or medicines.

Also, it is an unfamiliar place where other animals are sure to be found.

This is why it is essential to put yourself in his shoes and understand that he does not “behave badly” on purpose, but that he does it out of fear or hesitation.

Our role as owners is therefore to ensure that your experience at the vet is as pleasant as possible.

Bringing a dog to a hospital visit is not an easy task, but it is necessary to check his health and identify any possible illness.

Clearly, the dog does not know this and will find it hard to get used to so many new smells, noises that he does not know, people he has never seen before … in addition to the tension he could perceive in the owner himself.

It is essential to teach our pet that the visit to the vet is not negative, and to do so it is necessary to bring it periodically.

In this way he will end up getting used to it – albeit without loving the experience – and will live it a little better.

Dog at the vet

Tips for taking a dog to the hospital

Even if going to the doctor is not pleasant, it is necessary to have him examined at least twice a year or more if necessary.

So how do you prevent your dog from feeling nervous or in shock at every visit to the hospital? Here are some tips.

1. Make sure he doesn’t understand where you are going

One of the most common mistakes that bosses make is to make anticipations. Telling the animal “let’s go to the vet” will cause unnecessary anxiety.

Remember that animals understand some specific words and “veterinarian” is one of them.

2. Take the dog to the hospital: he behaves better when he is tired

A good way to get your dog to visit the hospital is to have him waste most of his energy first, by having him play, run or take him to the park.

Exercise will also help him relieve stress and relax his nerves for the next few hours.

3. Introduce him to the vet

As soon as he gets on the examination table, let him get in touch with the doctor, sniffing his hands and “greeting” him.

If you intervene in this approach it is likely that the dog is more afraid of the veterinarian. It does not matter if your dog is a Chihuahua or a Boxer, do everything possible so that he does not fear his doctor.

Husky visiting the vet

4. Take the dog to the hospital: talk to him

From the moment you arrive at the hospital until you return home, it is important to have a “conversation” with your pet.

Speak to him in sweet words, in a calm and not loud tone, so as not to scare him and make him feel safe.

Don’t scold him unless absolutely necessary. If there are other animals, give them the order to sit quietly next to you.

Avoid yelling at him so as not to make him even more nervous.

5. Always by your side

Dogs need to be next to their “leader” to feel calm and confident. It is important for them to perceive that their master is calm, so in order to give him calmness you must first relax yourself.

Stay by his side when you enter the hospital, when you are in the waiting room, while they visit him and when you return home. Thus the animal will not feel alert.

6. Reward him

Whether it’s after the vet visits him or when you get home, it’s very important that you give him a treat or reward.

Not only to congratulate him on how he behaved, but also to have him associate the hospital with a treat, such as a toy, a snack or a caress.

Taking your dog to the hospital for a visit is not an easy task but still a necessary one.

With these tips, you will make their experience more enjoyable and reduce the risk of trauma or negative behavior.

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