Dogs Understand If A Person Is In Mourning

Dogs understand if a person is in mourning

One of the most painful and difficult moments in life to overcome is when you lose a loved one, going into mourning. Strange as it may seem, these are the times when dogs are more empathetic than ever, thanks to their amazing ability to perceive this particular emotional state in humans.

That’s right, man’s best friend is able to sense whether we are experiencing an emotion or feeling that is causing us pain, which brings him closer to us than many people ever have.

This phenomenon is often a cause of great amazement, and there are many who are amazed at the possibility that an animal such as a dog can easily identify aspects of the person that are so complex and difficult to determine. To learn more about the topic, in this article we will answer some of the most popular questions related to this topic.

How do dogs know we are in mourning?

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The rumors that have always circulated in this regard are many, all focused on the ability of some animals to identify themselves to the point with man, to get to perceive his emotions and moods. However, due to the lack of scientific studies to prove such beliefs, they were often and willingly discredited.

Recently, following a series of research and experiments carried out by the Department of Psychology of the University of Goldsmiths, this kind of theories have been judged to be true; Studies have determined that dogs can actually come to understand how we feel, exactly as many have always suggested.

Experiments that prove their attitude

The experiment consists in the study of the reactions of some specimens of dogs in front of some photographs representing people known or not. In the case of images depicting men or women with angry faces or with their heads down, the animal seems to show less enthusiasm than photographs of smiling people; this establishes the fact that dogs see serious attitudes as negative.

On the other hand, a procedure was carried out which involved the involvement of 18 dogs of various breeds and ages, who were shown their respective owners during moments of interaction with other people. Unlike the situations in which the owners limited themselves to conversing, in cases where they simulated a cry the level of attention of the dogs increased, sometimes even pushing them to approach the person in tears.

Following this latest experiment, university scientists came to the conclusion that dogs are able to distinguish the difference between a crying person and a relaxed person, which determines their ability to detect different states of soul in people.

Likewise, it was found that when their owners are plagued by symptoms of sadness, depression or grief, dogs tend to be more sympathetic to them in an attempt to comfort them; the different reaction of a dog in front of a word or a sigh from a man, is therefore not attributable to a simple coincidence.

How does a dog behave when its owner is in mourning?

sad dog

Dogs are extremely sensitive beings, and they know how to manifest each of their moods. If you feel bad, your dog will perceive the negative moment you are experiencing and will feel bad too.

In these cases, dogs tend to intensify the gestures of affection towards their owner, in order to help him and be of company. A clear example of this is their way of always staying by your side, even in moments when you don’t pay attention to them or don’t want to pet them.

Another recurring example is their tendency to follow your every move, accompanying you everywhere. It is also easy for them to seek physical contact, as this is their most effective form of showing affection, of telling you that they understand you and are ready to help you get through this difficult stage.


When you are in mourning it often happens that you are unable to feel any kind of enthusiasm, feeling sad. Even if you are convinced that no one can understand the pain you are experiencing, know that your dog will notice it, and it will help you to recover.

Our wonderful four-legged friends will always be there for us when we need them most.

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