How To Keep Spiders Away From Your Home

How to keep spiders away from your home

The spiders usually prefer to live in their habitat natural, where they find the optimal conditions for their development. However, some specimens decide to seek refuge elsewhere and end up finding protection and warmth right in your homes.

Precisely for this reason, we have decided to write an article with some tips that you will need to avoid and prevent the appearance of spiders in the house. Before starting, it should be noted that the presence of  arachnids  almost always brings benefits, especially if you have a garden or plants. Their habits and their diet are perfect allies to control and limit the presence of insects and parasites.

It should be noted that the spider species we frequently see in homes tend to be harmless, poorly aggressive, or virtually free of venom. Obviously, however, an excessive presence of these animals, and their characteristic cobwebs, can be avoided with simple remedies designed for the hygiene of the domestic environment.

Proper hygiene helps keep spiders away from home

As we have said, some types of spiders enter homes in search of a safe and peaceful haven. Generally, they prefer to settle in the darkest and least ventilated corners of the building and where human presence is less. Cellars, closets, closets …

a black spider weaving its web

Therefore, the first and most important preventative measure to avoid having spiders in your home is to practice better hygiene habits. To begin with, we recommend that you clean every corner of our home, including the roof, at least twice a week.

We advise you to install mosquito nets in the fireplace, on windows and doors facing outside. It is also important to make sure your home does not have small holes or crevices in the structure where arachnids could easily enter.

a spider walks on a wooden board

Finally, try to avoid piling wood in or around your home. Another tip is to keep the grass well cut, to avoid the proliferation of insects.

How to avoid having spiders in the house?

Pesticides are bad for the environment and people, they are highly toxic to your pets, plants and they do not solve the problem. It is always better to adopt home remedies and ecological, to be able to keep spiders and insects away from your home without unpleasant side effects. So let’s see, in this regard, a series of home remedies that you can easily adopt without worrying about anything.

Eucalyptus or peppermint oil

Sprinkle some eucalyptus or peppermint oil every day in the corners of your home. These two totally natural ointments will help keep spiders away. You must remember to apply these substances mainly on the windows and doors leading directly to the outside. You can find eucalyptus or peppermint oil at most health food stores.

a spider on a pink flower

Before using this remedy, you must make sure that no family member is allergic  to these substances. It will be enough to consult a specialist doctor to find your way around the different allergy tests for children and adults. The safety of people must never be underestimated.

Infrasound devices

Currently, various infrasound devices can be found on the market which represent a viable solution against different types of sores. For example rodents, such as mice and moles, spiders and other insects. The operation is very simple, since it will be enough to connect the device to the mains, if it does not have batteries, and place it in the area that you want to  reclaim.

a small spider walks among the brushwood of a garden

The infrasound vibrations do not interfere with human hearing and generally do not bother cats and dogs. However, if you notice that your pet is suffering from any discomfort due to the use of this acoustic repellent, it is best to stop its action and consult your veterinarian immediately.

Citrus peels, oils or fragrances

The aroma of citrus fruits usually causes a strong repulsion in spiders. Therefore, you can use natural, fresh peels, oils or citrus scents to keep them away from your home. If you have pets at home, be careful not to lick or swallow industrial products.


The strong aroma of tobacco is also effective in warding off spiders, moths and other insect species. Just scatter tobacco leaves around the corners of the house to avoid the presence of cobwebs. This method should be avoided if you live with dogs or cats, because there is a danger that your four-legged friends can ingest the leaves, with serious consequences for their health.


Vinegar is a great ally for the hygiene of your home and also for your well-being. Its aromatic and antiseptic properties will allow you to keep any room free from pathogens and arachnids. To use these natural vinegar-based remedies, just mix equal quantities of water and vinegar and spray the mixture in the most “at risk” corners of the house.


While it sounds surprising, cats are great allies in the fight against spiders. In addition to the presence of the animal, you must know that the simple  smell of your small domestic cat will be enough to keep rats, insects and, of course, spiders at a safe distance.

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