Purebred Dogs: The Airedale Terrier

Purebred dogs: the Airedale Terrier

 Airedale Terriers are the largest of the dogs of their breed. Created to catch nutria and rats, they are perfect dogs for the job. Valenti, outgoing and intelligent, they have a great reputation as funny and playful dogs, always faithful to their master.

The history of the Airedale Terrier


The first attempt to create an Airedale Terrier dog was made in 1853. Originally from the English island, precisely from Yorkshire, this type of dog is the result of the cross between the English Otterhound and the English Terrier.

At first the name of Airedale Terrier was not accepted and this generated a great deal of confusion. Classes were held in various programs to find an acceptable name for this type of dog, until in 1886 in England the name of Airedale Terrie was accepted and became the official name of the breed.

Airedale Terriers were used extensively during World War I as messengers, to carry food and ammunition, as guards, and as explorers. The war gave this breed the popularity it enjoys today, thanks to tales of courage and loyalty.

Airedale Terriers are characterized by being working dogs, sporting, obedient, great hunters and great playfuls. Like all Terriers, the Airedale is full of energy and is an excellent jogging companion: he loves long walks and long runs. They are intelligent dogs that can fend for themselves and don’t always wait for their owner’s orders. If you want a docile dog, this type of breed is not for you.

On the other hand, they can be aggressive towards other dogs and animals and have a strong hunting instinct. This breed is said to win most disputes. This is why obedience training is essential to improve their behavior.



The Airedale Terrier is very appreciative of his family’s company and loves to play and pranks from time to time. They also love to be helpful by doing some chores, including just entertaining children, with whom they are comfortable. However, its size and high level of activity can be too intense for very young children. In this sense, remember to teach your son and daughter that they should never go near the dog when he is eating or sleeping. Regardless of how affectionate a dog is, they should never be alone with a small child.

This breed grows very slowly, so your dog can continue to have the mentality of a puppy even after reaching the age of majority. This is why it is recommended to train this type of dog to obey basic commands, so as to avoid bad behavior, such as the habit of gnawing on anything. Likewise it is important that, like all other dogs, the Airedale gets used to socializing from an early age. Contact with different people, sounds, experiences and animals since they are puppies will help them to become sociable dogs in the future.

The Airedale Terrier needs to exercise regularly, at least once a day.  These dogs love to play and swim. They are excellent running companions and active and energetic animals throughout their entire life. They will never adapt to apartment life and need a home with a large, enclosed garden. So if you live in a small house, your best bet is to opt for a breed that is not as active as the Airedale Terrier.

It is a breed that needs a lot of activity. Don’t leave him alone for too long, or he’ll likely get bored and manifest destructive behavior. These dogs like to dig, as do all Terriers. He is a collector of interesting items and will bring back whatever you throw. Rubber socks and balls are his favorite toys.

It is considered a large breed dog, which can weigh between 18 and 29 kilos. The coat of these dogs consists of a dense and strong upper layer and a lower layer, which is short and soft. Finally, the hair can be brown, white or black. It should be cut 3 or 4 times a year.

It is very important to clean your Airedale Terrier’s teeth at least two or three times a week.  Also, you have to cut his nails to prevent cuts and other problems. As for nutrition, as with any other dog it is important that they follow a healthy, balanced diet and should be fed twice a day.

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