Throwing The Ball Is A Favorite Dog Game

Ball tossing is a favorite dog game

Does your dog also go crazy with joy when you throw him a ball? Definitely yes, as playing with the ball seems to be the favorite sport for dogs. The motifs go back to their natural hunting instincts. So don’t give up on this fun pastime, which in addition to entertaining your dog, will make him more obedient.

It’s all about canine instinct

The skills of hunters vary from race to race, depending on the intensity with which they have developed; yet, most dogs find pleasure in chasing prey and grabbing it, even if it is just a ball.

The genetic heritage received from their ancestors, the wolves, is most responsible for the development of this instinct for hunting and predation.

In this sense, man himself has played a fundamental role, “perfecting” the natural impulses of dogs and taking advantage of them during the various kinegetic activities that men and dogs have been carrying out together for more than a thousand years.

The hunting instinct, inherited from wolf ancestors, made dogs particularly good at playing with the ball. So enjoy these moments of entertainment with your dog, who in addition to doing the necessary physical exercise, will also learn an obedience lesson.

Learning by playing with the ball


In addition to allowing the dog to have fun and burn energy, the time dedicated to play allows us to teach our pet some important lessons. Eg:

  • To be patient while he waits for us to throw the ball at him.
  • To return the ball.
  • To sit down before he is pulled back.

How to get the dog to return the ball?


First, avoid running after the dog, begging him to give you the ball back. The animal will think that you are playing and you will get nothing.

Again, positive reinforcement will be appropriate. Bring with you a few bites of a mouthwatering dish, such as sausages.

The idea is that, seeing the food, the animal lets go of the ball, to be able to grab it easily. After he does, congratulate him. In this way, he will gradually learn that returning the ball is part of the game, and that in doing so he will gain affection and food rewards.

Choice of the right ball

One of the aspects not to be underestimated is the correct choice of the ball to play with your dog. Remember that a ball must:

  • Be made of non-toxic materials for animals.
  • Be resistant, because if it broke the animal could swallow some pieces, risking to suffocate.
  • Be the right size for your four-legged friend’s mouth.

Also make sure that it does not lose threads or any other parts that could be dangerous for the animal if it ingests it.

Beware of tennis balls

Due to their size and texture, tennis balls would seem ideal for dogs to play with. This is not the case, especially if your dog likes to gnaw and bite anything that comes within range.

The coating of these particular balls contains fiberglass, which could have the same effect as sandpaper on your pet’s teeth.

The best thing is to get a ball designed specifically for dogs, or opt for balls made of rubber or plastic, which are non-toxic and have a smooth texture.

Alternatives to the game of throwing the ball


However, while the game of throwing the ball is a favorite with dogs, it doesn’t have to be your pet’s only form of fun or physical activity. So don’t forget to:

  • Go out and run with him
  • Take it with you on your bike rides
  • Take him running to new places
  • Allow him to play with other dogs

Playing and exercising, two fundamental activities for dogs

Don’t forget that daily exercise is a key aspect of your dog’s physical and emotional health.

For this, get into the habit and the responsibility of taking him for a walk every day, dedicating the right time to games and exercises.

This way you can exercise too, as well as have fun and get rid of a good deal of stress.

Image courtesy of jimthompson.

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