German Shepherd Rescued From The Icy Waters Of A River In Russia

German shepherd rescued from the icy waters of a river in Russia

Low temperature and water are sometimes not a good combination and people or animals fall victim to them. Today we tell you how in Russia a German shepherd was rescued from the frozen waters of a river.

This is how the dog was rescued from the icy waters of the Volga

german shepherd

The German shepherd was rescued by a group of workers who, at the time, were crossing the river aboard a small boat. We are talking about the legendary Volga, the longest and most abundant river in Europe.

Fortunately for the dog, the men noticed that something was stirring in the freezing water trying not to go to the bottom. After they got closer, they saw the animal floating on the surface, clinging to a piece of ice.

They then slowed down the boat and got close enough to grab the dog’s collar and let him board.

Here is the video with the images of the rescue.

The climate of Yaroslavl, the city where the rescue took place

The accident occurred in the city of Yaroslavl, about 250 kilometers northeast of Moscow, at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers.  Yaroslavl  is an important economic center, with petrochemical industries, tire and diesel engine factories.

The average temperature in Yaroslavl is 4 ° C and it rains most of the year. During the winter the thermometer can drop to 11 ° C below zero.

With this climate, animals and people are certainly used to enduring the cold. Rivers are often frozen and accidents are numerous. But that day luck was smiling on our four-legged friend.

Some data on hypothermia in dogs

The German Shepherd was drawn from the waters before exhaustion and hypothermia got the better of him, leading him to certain death.

The body temperature of a dog is between 38.5 and 39.5 ° C. Hypothermia occurs when the animal’s body fails to maintain a normal temperature. Cold causes the central nervous system to collapse and also affects:

  • The heart.
  • The bloodstream.
  • The respiratory system.
  • The immune system.

Hypothermia generally occurs when the ambient temperature is very low, as in this case. However, it can also occur at higher temperatures, under certain circumstances:

  • In newborn puppies.
  • In small dogs.
  • When the animal is under the effects of anesthesia.
  • In older dogs.

A Russian story with a happy ending

The German shepherd recovered from the waters of the Volga is fine, but it is unknown how he fell into the river. It is very likely that he was walking on the frozen river when, suddenly – as it usually happens – the ice broke.

We don’t even know if he had a master, but the good heart of the men who saved him bodes well. It is likely that the dog has found a home where he can forget the icy waters and spend the rest of the winter in the warmth.

And in your city?

German shepherd dog

Author of the photo: Ana Fuentes

If you live in regions where rivers, lakes or other streams freeze in winter, don’t deprive yourself of the enchantment of nature. Be careful though, and always keep an eye on your dog. Here are some tips:

  • Always keep your dog on a leash.
  • Don’t give in to the temptation to let your dog run on the ice.
  • Wear warm, thick clothing to cushion any falls.
  • Use appropriate footwear:  no smooth soles, if you don’t want to risk slipping.
  • Walk slowly, with short steps and resting the sole of the foot well.
  • Don’t get distracted and always pay attention to where you put your feet.

Avoid having a bad time with your dog. Don’t try your luck.

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