Dog Treats: A Great Idea To Use In Moderation

Dog treats - a great idea to use in moderation

We love to see our dog run and jump for joy. Treats created especially for dogs achieve this. We already know that our 4-legged friends love to eat, but the sweets drive them crazy!

Although, of course, as they say, everything hurts if given in excess: therefore, knowing how and when to give treats to our dog is very important to preserve his health. Find out more by continuing to read.

Dog treats: yes or no?


There are conflicting opinions on this issue, as many say they can be given to our puppies. Instead, others argue that they do more harm than good. What’s the truth?

The truth is that dog treats are made with special ingredients, designed especially for them. Quality controls make sure they are not harmful to health. Plus, dogs love it!

Who doesn’t love to take a whim from time to time? However, this is what treats should be for your pet: a treat. Everything, if taken in excess, becomes harmful, and this also applies to dog treats.

Dog treats: when?

Dog treats are designed to take away a whim from our pets, not as a substitute for their diet, but rather as complements.

Sweets are nutritional supplements that are beneficial for their health, for example for their teeth. However, they don’t contain as many nutrients as dog foods. In addition, they contain a high level of calories, as is the case with human snacks.

Consequently, taking all of this into account, even if you like to give your dog treats every day, these should not make up more than 10% of his daily diet.

How to choose the right treats for dogs?

Today on the market you can find different types of sweets, different in shape, size, color and flavor.

To find the right ones for your dog, check that they contain ingredients that are healthy for your pet, avoiding those with high amounts of sugar or fat.

By getting to know your pet a little, you can determine if it prefers larger, crispier or softer ones. Remember that the size of your dog must be proportional to the size of the treat.

Try to avoid grain-based dog treats, as these contain carbohydrates that are unnecessary for your pet. If you go to a veterinary shop, they will surely offer your pet several so that they can choose the ones they like best. In addition, they will inform you without problems of the various types that exist and their respective ingredients, so that you can choose wisely.

Other occasions in which to offer treats to the dog


In addition to being a whim, they will be ideal for exercises. If you want your dog to learn to follow orders, hold a few pieces of dog treats in your hand and give him one every time he obeys.

You can also ask him to behave well at a certain time, such as when you go out on the street. If it does, nothing beats a treat as a treat.

This will not only help your pet learn orders, it will also strengthen your bond with him. Nobody likes to hear only the things it hurts, not even a dog. So if you reinforce his good behavior with treats, he’ll appreciate it and feel loved.

But remember not to give your dog too many treats and if for some reason you do it one day, moderate the food you give him during the day, so that he does not get too full and end up feeling bad.

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