The 10 Smallest Dog Breeds In The World

The 10 smallest dog breeds in the world

More and more families decide to adopt a small dog, as they live more often in small apartments than in large spacious houses. Although they are very small dogs, they have the same needs as medium and large dogs. In addition, they are very playful and active and therefore need to devote a lot of time to them for everyday exercises. Here is a list of the  10 smallest dog breeds in the world.

The chihuahua, one of the smallest dogs

Let’s start our list of tiny dogs with the chihuahua, even if his real name is chihuahueño.  This breed originates from the Mexican state of Chihuahua and is considered the smallest breed in the world,  usually weighing around 2 kg. They are famous for their distinctive appearance. They are small, but have  very large, pointed ears. They are usually short-haired, can be of various colors and have large eyes. As for the temperament, they  are very sociable, they  love to play and run in the fresh air. Do you want to know a curiosity about this breed? The smallest chihuahua does not exceed 19 centimeters!

The Bichon à poil frisé (bichon tenerife)

It is another of the smaller breeds, of French and Belgian origin. It usually measures around 20 cm and the weight ranges between 2 and 4 kg. It has a nice look thanks to its round face and  “afro” style cape. The  hair is completely white, as white as snow. They are very intelligent and love to play with children.

The Maltese


This breed resembles the bichon à poil frisé, but its origins are Italian and from the whole Mediterranean area.  It weighs about 3 or 4 kilos and does not exceed 25 cm. The coat is  completely white  or light ivory, in fact due to its appearance, it looks like silk. They are highly intelligent and obedient, as well as being easy to train.

The Y orkshire terrier

This small dog usually weighs between 1.5 and 3 kg approximately. Generally they have long hair, the hair falls straight along the sides of the body and equally on each side, divided by a parting that goes from the nose to the tip of the tail. The color is steel blue and on the chest the hair is an intense and bright reddish. They are very playful and very active. This is not the ideal playmate for small children, as they love to nibble on everything.

The Shih tzu

This breed is native to Tibet, its name means “lion dog”. The weight ranges from 5 to 8 kilos. The ears are drooping and the hair is long, it is common to see them with a tail that collects the hair of the head. As for the character, they are very affectionate, intelligent and with a strong temperament. It is a dog that needs a   lot of care, both in terms of hair and nutrition, as it tends to gain weight.

The Poodle dog

The poodle, poodle, or poodle  dog is another small breed dog. Its characteristic cut of the hair is perhaps its hallmark. There are 4 types, the weight depends on the breed. They can be white, gray, brown or apricot in color and the coat is curly and soft. Being very playful, it is perfect for families with children and for lonely people.

The Pekingese


The Pekingese is an ancient race from China, where it was revered because it was believed capable of keeping evil spirits away. The weight does not exceed 6 kg and its main feature is the flattened muzzle.  They are very brave dogs, but they bark at everything. They are very affectionate with their master. For this reason, many families have chosen a Pekingese as a pet.

The Australian silky terrier

This breed looks a lot like the yorkshire terrier and the weight ranges from 3 to 5 kg. He is an affable dog, but he doesn’t like strangers. It was used in the past as a mouse hunter, thanks to its physical conformation, but nowadays it has become a perfect companion animal. He adapts to all situations and changes do not scare him. 

The Volpino di pomerania

It is a Nordic breed and its particular sign is that it resembles a fox. The ears are small and straight, the coat has various layers of hair, and the tail is curly and carried over the back. They are extremely intelligent dogs, often trained for  dog shows. They are very active, but at the same time they love being at home and with the family.

The Papillon

The name, in French, means “butterfly”, as  the shape of the ears resembles the wings of a butterfly. The hair forms falling fringes on the chest and face. They are loyal and active dogs, docile to train. The  eyes are prominent  as in Chihuahuas and the weight is around 5 kg.

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