All The Benefits Of The Stave

Fighting stress is one of the many benefits of the doga or yoga dog.
All the benefits of the stave

Have you ever heard of the stave? If not, in this article we will provide you with all the information you need, but above all what are the benefits for your pet.

What we can assure you is that if you practice it with your dog, both of you will benefit greatly. You are ready? Well, let’s do stave!

What is the stave?

Are you a yoga enthusiast? Know that you can do it with your dog! Although many believe that only people suffer from stress, our pets are also stressed and need some sort of “therapy” to help somatize this stress.

The stave is a discipline inspired by yoga and which requires the dog to exercise together with its owner. This will benefit both of us. This idea was born in Florida in 2011 thanks to the initiative of Suzi Teitelman.

Today, stave is a widespread practice all over the world. More and more people are practicing it and are noticing its great benefits. Suzi realized that when she was doing yoga in front of her dog, she relaxed more easily, so one day she decided to take him with her to her classes and had him actively participate.

Benefits of the stave

What is a stave class like?

The slat is an excellent form of relaxation for our dogs and the classes basically consist of:

  • Massage and stretching. We will need to help our dog warm up his body before starting the exercise. Although some people teach their pets to imitate their movements, if yours has not yet succeeded, do not despair: you can help him with your hands to assume the correct posture.
  • Breathing. Breathing is vital in this relaxation discipline, and your dog will also need to learn how to do it properly.
  • Stretches. These will be essential after each lesson, so that the muscles return to their place and annoying stiffness or contractures can be avoided.
  • Relaxation. This is the final point of the lesson, where both the owner and the pet can relax together before going home.

Yoga with your dog

Benefits of the stave in dogs

Just as yoga has many benefits for people, the stave has been shown to be equally beneficial for dogs. Some of these benefits are:

  • Balance. The plank is particularly useful for those dogs who are very nervous or who get stressed easily. It allows them to find a harmonious relationship between body and mind, to promote balance.
  • Bond with the owner. They say that contact increases love and sharing experiences and games will make your relationship with your pets even closer.
  • Appease destructive behaviors. One of the main reasons dogs can engage in destructive behaviors is boredom or stress. The stave allows them to somatize these sensations so that the animal remains relaxed.
  • Improve socialization. Being calmer will make it easier to relate to other dogs, especially if you have had problems before.
  • Improve your joints. Of course, like any other sport, the slat is good for your pet’s body, because stretching allows the muscles and joints to move properly.
  • Improve flexibility. This will be one of the many benefits this discipline will bring to your pet.

As you can see, the slat is a relaxation discipline. It seemed impossible that our pets could do such a thing, but just like yoga among people, the stave has become fashionable among pets and brings great benefits to everyone.

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you consider sharing this experience with your pet: you will not regret it and you will reap enormous benefits.

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