Can Dogs Eat Human Food?

Can Dogs Eat Human Food?

Currently, the tendency of dog owners is to feed them with a home diet, because they do not trust the industrial process with which the food that is in the store is made or because they want to supplement their diet with other foods or because they find it a way to save some money.

Certainly the nutritional needs of our dogs are different from ours, and this prompts many to ask themselves: “What foods for humans can dogs also eat?”

In fact, most of the foods we consume are suitable and even complete for our dogs. For example, dogs can eat all meats, grains and most fruits and vegetables that we eat.

How to control their diet?

In order for your dog’s diet to be balanced, you need to develop a strategy aimed at administering the correct amount  of easily digestible proteins and vitamins, which are used to develop the right growth and provide sufficient energy reserves.

Let’s start by remembering that dogs are predators, therefore, an important part of their diet must consist of meat, as animal fat provides them with important nutrients for the functioning of their organs, to develop good muscle mass and keep their joints healthy.

If your dog is not used to eating raw meat, it is better to cook it a  little , so you will avoid the intake of bacteria that are harmful to his body.

dog - brown

Beware of giving them dairy: Whole cow’s milk can be very heavy, as dogs don’t have the enzymes needed to process it properly and can cause digestive problems.

As for vegetables and greens, they are generally rich in vitamins and minerals and  low in calories and fat, which will prevent your dog from gaining weight, as well as circulation and joint problems. Likewise,  you will need to give your dog a high-fiber diet, which will help him improve his digestive system and regulate the functioning of his intestines.

You should know that dogs have much shorter intestines than ours, so we need to make the process of absorbing certain foods easier. In the case of cereals, for example, it is better to chop them.

Always for the same reason, they cannot assimilate vegetables as we do, so it is very important that they are used as a complement to their diet and not exclusively. Although dogs can eat both raw and cooked vegetables, it is best to feed them puree in small, unsalted portions.

Fruit: Dogs can eat different types of fruit, for example apples, watermelons, oranges and peaches are suitable for them. But care must be taken to remove all the seeds, because these could poison them, and be careful to give it to them in small portions, especially the one rich in sugar. Dogs cannot metabolize sugar quickly, so excessive consumption can lead to obesity.

Remember that before changing your dog’s diet, you should consult your veterinarian,  he will advise you on the foods to eat and which ones to avoid, as well as the amount of food in the portions and how often you should feed him.

Products that should not be eaten

dog and chocolate

Although dogs can eat almost any food we eat, we must avoid some that seem harmless, but that could poison the dog. Some of these are: caffeine (including tea) onion, grapes, strawberries, raisins, avocado, cocoa derivatives, sugar, dairy products, pointed bones and nuts.

A very important thing; pay attention to the place where you throw the garbage, dogs usually try to eat anything they find appetizing, so if you notice that your pet has ingested something he shouldn’t, take him to the vet right away.

Despite all treatment, your dog may develop allergies to some food, if you notice that he scratches excessively after eating, that he is agitated, that bubbles have appeared or that he has excess salivation, vomiting or diarrhea, urinating so irregular, that is weak or suffers from tremor, be careful because it could be an allergic reaction or have intoxication, so you will have to go to the vet to have him examined.

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