Canine Fashions That Should Be Banned

Canine fashions that should be banned

It happens every day to see dogs in the latest fashion.  Animals dressed in trendy clothes and designer accessories and even tattooed. More than dogs, they look like mannequins at the mercy of their owners’ fantasies and vanity.

But what are canine fashions? Dogs with painted nails, hair cuts and bizarre colors, and lately even closed in branded bags. In short, dogs become real accessories at the mercy of the absurd taste of some owners. One wonders to what extent these fairly aggressive behaviors can be considered harmless. To reflect on this issue, we want to talk to you about some animal rights that you may not know about.

Bags-carriers for dogs


If we think of carrier bags, the image of toy dogs immediately comes to mind, for example  Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians and many others.

It is increasingly fashionable to have a toy dog. In recent years we have seen the birth of an entirely new phenomenon known as “handbag dogs”. With this expression, we refer to dogs so small that they can be carried in a bag, or in a pet carrier, specially designed to be carried over the shoulder.

The Hollywood stars, think Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie, launched the trend of handbag dogs, and they immediately became fashionable even among ordinary people. How many times has it happened to you lately to see a woman or a man carrying their dog in a bag? Surely you have noticed that toy dogs are in fashion and that carrying them in a handbag has now become a must. If you are thinking of adopting a toy dog ​​because you have been led to believe that it is cool and that it does not require the same attention and care as a large dog, we invite you to think about it for a moment. 

It is beyond question that these little animals are tender and beautiful, but we must not forget that they are still dogs: you will have to dedicate the same time, affection and commitment to them and be responsible for their well-being.

Is it okay to carry a toy dog ​​in a bag? The toy dog ​​and other very small breeds have short legs and following the master’s step could be tiring and tiring for them. If the purpose of carrying your dog in your bag is to keep your dog from getting tired and fatigued, then that’s legitimate. On the other hand, it is intolerable to carry the dog in a bag just for fashion. 

In addition, the dog, albeit small, needs an adequate and “hygienic” space in which to feel comfortable and be able to sit. The dog cannot be carried in a bag that also contains the owner’s cell phone, wallet and other personal items. 

Canine fashion: tailored clothes


According to many animal rights organizations,  dressing up your dog is a punishable offense. In fact, animal advocates believe that forcing pets to wear clothes means damaging their well-being and health, so much so that the owner could be denounced. 

Luxury dog ​​fashion seems to be in vogue in recent years and there are many items on the market: booties, pajamas, trousers and even hoodies for dogs. Even the greatest fashion designers, such as Vivienne Westwood and Ben de Lisi, have created collections of clothes for dogs and London’s luxury department store Harrods organize fashion shows on the catwalk every year: a high fashion collection for dogs, from title “Pet-a-porter”.

Experts believe that in certain specific circumstances you can dress a pet, for example to protect it from the cold during the winter or if the four-legged friend is of a short-haired breed.

However, people’s vanity even leads many owners to have their pet wear rubber boots and umbrellas in case of rain. Obviously a person is free to buy and have their pet wear what they prefer, but tanning the animal like a clown is ridiculous and, above all, unnatural.

However, the issue is not only aesthetic, many experts warn that dressing pets can be the cause of overheating and heat stroke that can lead to the death of the dog. 

To conclude we want to talk about the ridiculous fashion of tattooing your dog or dyeing his hair. In these cases we are faced with a clear violation of animal rights because their health and their lives are at stake.

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