Cat Teeth Care: How And Why?

Cat’s teeth share numerous similarities with those of humans. For this reason, they require similar care and attention.
Cat teeth care: how and why?

The cat’s teeth are suitable for eating meat: like other cats, in fact, they too are predators. However, your pet’s teeth share numerous similarities with those of us humans. Which means your cat’s teeth require the same care and attention as you do for yours.

Do you know what is the most suitable routine to adopt to guarantee your feline companion the oral attention they need? Don’t worry: by reading this article you will find the answer to this and many other questions.

Why is it important to take care of your cat’s teeth?

If you don’t take proper care of a cat’s teeth, its mouth could develop oral diseases as easily as a human’s.

Plaque is the first element that begins to settle on the teeth and is created by some bacteria that combine with the pet’s saliva. If left unchecked for a long time, it is bound to turn into tartar.

Abscess formation on the teeth or gums can cause severe pain in your cat. At this point, the only means available to eliminate them is to resort to surgery. This is one of the reasons why prevention is the smartest choice.

If your cat has severe cavities, she may even lose some of her teeth. In addition, the infection of the teeth and gums can extend into the bloodstream. From there, it turns into a systemic problem that can damage your cat’s kidneys, liver, heart or lungs.

How to brush your cat's teeth.

How to start providing dental care to your pet

When adopting a pet, it is always a good idea to start by having it checked by a veterinarian. Your doctor will be able to determine if your pet is suffering from dental problems and may possibly suggest necessary treatment.

Some felines will need professional grooming before being brought home. In addition, a veterinarian will suggest the use of the specific products your pet needs.

Each cat can have different risk factors and, as a result, the required products may be different. That said, there are still some elements that will be absolutely necessary.

What you need to take care of your cat’s teeth

When it comes to choosing a toothbrush for a cat, there is a wide range of shapes and sizes available. Some can be attached to a finger for easy use, while others have a traditional handle.

Remember: a toothbrush suitable for a cat must have soft bristles and an angled head. Depending on the severity of the problems your cat is suffering from, you may find a traditional handle more comfortable, which gives you a firmer grip.

Toothpaste for cats must be made specifically for them. Toothpaste for humans will not do well at all; on the contrary, it could be toxic, since it contains fluorine and other chemical elements.

If the cat has large amounts of tartar, look for a toothpaste containing enzymatic agents that contribute to its decomposition: it will certainly be more efficient.

How to brush your cat’s teeth

There are several steps you need to follow in order to ensure proper hygiene:

  1. Get your cat used to accepting the presence of your fingers near and inside his mouth. You have to do this gradually, as this is not something cats are naturally used to. Start by gently touching the oral area in a constant, even if not prolonged, way.
  2. Get your cat used to tasting the toothpaste by putting some on your fingers and letting the cat sniff and lick it. If you brush your cat at approximately the same time, your pet will get used to it much quicker.
  3. Don’t rush the process. When you are ready to start, have your cat climb onto a table or onto your lap. Hug him gently to limit his movements and prevent him from running away. This will make it easier for the cat to access the mouth. Lift the cat’s upper lip and slide the toothbrush in a circular motion along the line between the gum and the tooth.

The front teeth should be brushed first, as they are the easiest to reach. Gradually, your cat will get used to feeling the presence of the toothbrush and you will be able to reach the back teeth.

Cat with toothbrush between paws.

Don’t forget to reward your cat every time you brush her teeth. This operation must be followed by caresses, compliments and a moment dedicated to play: whatever, as long as your cat is even happier!

Even if you don’t get too far with brushing, you have to reward your cat. Gradually, your pet will find this activity more and more enjoyable, as long as you take great care not to hurt him.

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