Cordectomy In Dogs: Not Just A Question Of Ethics

In the past, mutilation was common in dogs and was done without any concern. Severing the ears, tail or vocal cords are just a few examples. Fortunately, these practices are now generally prohibited. However, they are still carried out illegally.
Cordectomy in dogs: not just a question of ethics

In today’s society, much progress has been made in terms of animal welfare and the fight against animal abuse. Until recently, tail and ear amputations and cordectomy in dogs, or mutilation of the vocal cords , were commonplace.

Fortunately, this trend has changed and this type of intervention has been banned, albeit with some exceptions. We will explain this detail later.

Cordectomy in dogs

This operation consists in the surgical removal of the dog’s vocal cords, to prevent it from barking, howling or making other vocalizations. Currently, this practice is prohibited in Italy.

On November 4, 2010, with law no. 201, a 1987 Council of Europe Convention, which had been in force since 1 May 1992, on the protection of pet animals was amended.

In this reform, various aspects related to the welfare of domestic animals and veterinary clinical activity have been considered. One of the points dealt with was, necessarily, the practice of mutilation.

However, some exceptions have been established, provided that the purpose of these mutilations was therapeutic or curative. In the event that the owner requests or suggests performing a cordectomy, the following indications have been given:

  • First, the veterinarian must carefully evaluate the need for such an intervention and consider whether this need corresponds to strictly medical criteria, such as cancer or infection.
  • If there is no medical reason that justifies the practice of a cordectomy, such as curative or therapeutic, it is strictly prohibited. It should be noted that failure to comply with this obligation is necessarily a crime.
  • If, on the other hand, there are therapeutic or curative circumstances, cordectomy is allowed. The operation will be carried out under general anesthesia and with the greatest possible health guarantees for the animal.

Dog licking his mouth.

Cordectomy in dogs to keep them from barking

Unfortunately, most of the cordectomy procedures in dogs were aimed at preventing them from barking. In some cases, the need to surgically remove the vocal cords for medical reasons was just an excuse or justification. It is true that these types of complications can occur, but their incidence is very low.

Furthermore, many of these interventions were performed (unfortunately still performed), by personnel who were not qualified to do so. This is intolerable in any type of cosmetic mutilation, but in the case of cordectomy it is particularly reprehensible. This surgery can have terrible side effects that put the animal’s health at risk.

A necessary reflection

It is difficult to talk about such a controversial topic without letting oneself be guided by one’s own morals and ethics. Although, many vets have found dog owners requesting such an intervention, however, there have been alternatives that have always worked.

Any vet can understand that there are difficult circumstances. There are dogs that are complicated to train and educate, animals with complex trauma or anxiety disorders. Or, delicate situations at home, such as sensitive neighbors or family members who can’t stand the dog’s barking.

In any case, there are always alternative methods that are much less invasive and without terrible side effects. It is true that sometimes it is not right to humanize animals, but in this case it is important to understand the gravity of this intervention.

Surely, we would all find it horrible to cut a baby’s vocal cords to keep him from crying at night. Likewise, it should also be equally reprehensible in animals.

Gray furry dog ​​barks in the open air.

Communication in dogs

Dogs have a complex communication system, including vocalizations. If you perform a cordectomy on these animals, you not only prevent the dog from barking, but also cut off its ability to communicate with other animals and with humans themselves. This can lead to more serious problems in the long run, such as aggression disorders or other behavioral problems.

Finally, we should remember that the vast majority of veterinarians care about the welfare of animals, their involvement is absolute. If at any time you find yourself in a situation similar to those mentioned, it is highly recommended that you contact your veterinarian.

By doing so, you will be able to face all the possible options to solve the problem of dog barking, without having to resort to this terrible method.

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