Discover The Most Famous Animals On Facebook

Discover the most famous animals on Facebook

Animals are doing great on social networks. So much so that their Facebook pages have more followers than many famous people. On other occasions we have already told you about the most famous animals on the net. Today we will focus on Facebook, the largest social network in the world.

Seeing their pranks, their strange positions, their obsessions towards an object or simply discovering their stories is something we really like. The proof of this are the numerous followers that each of them possesses.

Facebook animals

Lil Bub

famous cat on Facebook

With nearly one and a half million followers, this kitty has become famous for being born without teeth. This detail means that he always keeps his tongue out. Plus, she has an extra leg, and while it’s not pleasant to know she has problems, she has earned the admiration of her followers.

He already has a book that bears his name. He also made a film. So his fame doesn’t come down to Facebook.


This little dog became famous on Facebook, reaching almost 400,000 followers thanks to the moving story about his owner.

He had ended up in severe depression when his girlfriend left him, so much so that he thought about suicide. His dog made him change his mind. For this reason, when the animal fell ill with arthritis, its owner took it every day to the warm waters of a lake to ease its pain.

Although Schoep is now dead, his master acknowledges that it was the best thing that happened to him in his life and that, if it weren’t for him, he would have died today.


He has gotten over 200,000 likes and is known as the blind cat. He was found near a farm and had no eyes. His saviors did not hesitate to keep him with them. Despite his disability, he has a totally normal life and plays alongside his new brother, Klaus.


He has 170,000 likes on Facebook. Her story is a bit sad, as she suffers from a disease, vestibular syndrome, which has caused her to lose her teeth and her head always remains tilted.

However she is very flirtatious and always has new pink hairstyles or accessories that make her look even more beautiful than she already is.



It reaches nearly 100 fans on Facebook. He is a cross between Chihuahua and Dachsund, but his jaw is so pronounced and his chin so puckered that he has caught the attention of all who see him.

Unfortunately, these characteristics were the reason for its abandonment. Irony of fate!

Corgnelius and Stumphrey

Corgnelius and Stumphrey are brothers who look like twins, and they also love to pose for photos. They became fun to watch, and even got to throw a book about their life.

With more than 60,000 followers on Facebook, these little dogs will still take a lot of photos that we are sure to love.

These are just six examples of Facebook’s most famous animals. But there are many others who have managed to find a place in the cyber world.

It is curious that most of them have been abandoned precisely for what makes them special and famous today. We are sure that their old masters will be pulling their hair out, repenting for the money they could have earned.

However, we are happy that they have been able to find a home in which they are loved, beyond the economic benefits. Because love cannot be bought …

“Congratulations” to these animals. And also to the families who treat and care for them with love.

Source of images:, and

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